Page 21 - 2017 MEDWEEK Program
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                                    sign up

                                                                             JTA’S DIVERSITY & EQUITY TEAM

                ROAD TO OPPORTUNITIES                                               DBE CERTIFICATION

                                                                                   To qualify for DBE status, a small
                           LET US HELP YOU GROW YOUR BUSINESS                    business must be profit-based and
                The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program is a comprehensive   meet the following criteria:
                strategy developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation that provides a
                level playing field on which certified firms can fairly compete for purchasing   Average annual gross revenues of
                and contracting dollars.                                    no more than $23.98 million over the
                                                                          three previous years
                                                                        Personal net worth of the owner(s)
                                                                       not exceeding $1.32 million
                  CONNECT & DO BUSINESS WITH                         At least 51% owned and controlled
                  FDOT, JAA, JAXPORT, JTA & MORE                   by one or more socially and
                                                                  economically disadvantaged individuals

               WHY IS THE PROGRAM IMPORTANT? Transportation agencies such as the JTA, that are awarded more then $250,000 in
               federally-funded contracts are required to participate in the DBE program. The process ensures non-disctimination in the
               awarding of contracts and supports JTA’s continuing efforts to remove barriers that may limit small business participation.
               DBE firms also benefit from business development programs that prepare them to successfully compete in the marketplace.

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