Page 23 - Love Feast Anniversary Program
P. 23

Opening Celebration of Love Feast 43

                                             Sunday, March 13, 2016

                                                        10:30 am

          Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

          Prayer and Scripture              1Kings 9:3               Min. Michael Bolden

          Proclamation                                               Dea. Karen Hart

          Processional from the Gladys L. Hunt Auditorium to Main Sanctuary

          Cutting of the Ribbon                                      Apostle Dr. Jeannette C. Homes-Vann
                                                                     Pastor  & Founder

                                          Presiding: Elder David Rozier

          Opening Praise Celebration                                 Choir/ Praise Teams/
                                                                     Flags/ Dancers

          Welcome and Occasion                                       Sis. Amanda Armstrong

          Selection                                                  HCM Mass Choir

          Offering/ Announcements                                    Bro. Curtis and Sis. Bridget Taylor

          Dance Presentation                                         Praise Dancers

          Introduction of Speaker                                    Sis. Kendria Hurley

          Selection                                                  HCM Mass Choir

          Speaker                                                    Pastor Leon Hurley

          Altar Call


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