Page 42 - Love Feast Anniversary Program
P. 42


         DYING FOR

         And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their tes-
         timony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

                                                                           REVELATIONS 12:11

                    What an amazing faith we have through our Lord and Sav-

             ior Jesus Christ!  This faith brings salvation, deliverance, healing,
             produces miracles, cast out devils, and justifies us as believers.

                    The Word of God declares that we only need a little faith

             (grain of mustard seed) to receive what we need from God and

             that this overcoming faith comes by hearing the Word of God.
             (Rom 10:17)

                    We are compassed about in our ministry with Champions

             of Faith.  Those that have received miraculous healings, have re-
             stored marriages, have been able to bear children in spite of docu-

             mented medical diagnosis and those that have learned to press for-

             ward after enduring insurmountable circumstances.  This Faith,
             our Faith in Jesus Christ is indeed A Faith Worth Dying For.”

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