Page 1 - The Bravest Man On Earth (1)_Neat
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The Bravest Man on Earth
It was just sunset and the sun splat in the horizon, bloodshed everywhere, battered out weapons,
smoke, bone-chilling screams… the village of Aurorae had been bombarded by the Crystallites.
Julius Leopold, the man that never ever gave up, as the only one with 50 arrows in his chestplate,
the bravest soldier on Earth. And he is the only one that can save Auroreans…
Why Mischievous Kings are immensely powerful
King John V was a dangerous king of the Crystallites, and he had a vast empire, and he was
ruthless and unforgivable. He had tried to attack the village of Aurorae numerous times but
Julius Leopold, the leader of the tribe had always defeated him because of one thing: The
Fortune of Good Luck, which was protected by the elderly guardians that had huge power and
were the old kings of Aurorae. They had always considered Julius Leopold as the hero of the
tribe, and he was announced king soon. But this time King John knew how exactly he could steal
the mysterious yet enchanting item: The Fortune of Good Luck…
The Stolen Misfortune of Good Luck
It was a starry night and a few thieves jumped into the crumpling leaves. CRUNCH! CRUNCH!
These cruelling thieves tip-toed up to the Holy Temple. They stabbed the guardians and stole the
luckiest monument in the entire world. They gave their reward to King John V, and he paid the
vigilant thieves a rich reward. Now this time when they went to war, King Julius Leopold went
to the Holy Temple where he was shocked to find out The Fortune of Good Luck and you might
wonder how this brave man will fight the most ruthless king ever…
The Most Brutal Yet Useless War Ever
Dawn was breaking and King John V was preparing for war with King Julius Leopold, with
already having the advantage, he was of course incredibly happy as he was going to win. When
war was given to King Julius Leopold, even though he theoretically was defeated, he knew there
was a problem with the Fortune Of Good Luck. “CHARGE!!!!!!!” screamed the commander.
King John V kept the Fortune of Good Luck in his pocket an started fighting with bloodshed
spilling everywhere and blood pools filling the holes on the battleground but he was amazed as
the Fortune of Good Luck, which was supposed to shine, did not and he started losing. Bone
chilling screams of King John V’s soldiers and they were recklessly running everywhere like a
town’s residents running everywhere when their town is attacked. King John V, not realizing that
King Julius Leopold was behind him, he stabbed him, and the wrath of King John V was
destroyed. Their empire fell drastically, and other empires came and destroyed the empire of the
King Julius Leopold back at home