Page 4 - News On 7 July 2021
P. 4

Sacred Heart Marmora CS                                    Emmanuel Christian Academy
     "We  would  like  to  congratulate  all  of  our  Grade  8  graduates  as  The  2020/21  school  year  has  seen  many  changes  at  Emmanuel
     they move on to high school next year. We wish them all the best  Christian Academy (ECA). At the start of the year, we found that
     in all that they do. We know that they are going to great things  we had outgrown our location at Madoc Pentecostal Church and
     and their Catholic Education will serve them well and keep them  were  blessed  to  find  a  space  for  our  intermediate  students
     rooted in their faith."                                    (grades  5-8)  at  Madoc  Baptist  Church.  During  the  year,  our
     Sacred Heart Education Team                                students  completed  two  online-learning  sessions.  As  we  close
                                                                our school year, we are saying goodbye to Mrs. Tammy McEwen,
                                                                our school's founder and long-serving teacher and principal, and
                                                                are welcoming Mr. Christopher Dopking to the role of principal.
                                                                Mr. Dopking served as the Baptist church campus vice-principal
                                                                and grade 7/8 teacher this past year.
                                                                Although the ECA student body was split between two campuses,
                                                                the  grade  8  students  still  found  it  important  to  mentor  the
                                                                students  at  the  primary  campus.  Each  week,  they  spent  two  of
                                                                their lunch breaks at the Pentecostal campus with the students in
                                                                grades K-4.
                                                                Today,  we  would  like  to  congratulate  our  grade  8  students  on
                                                                completing   their   year   through   unprecedented   learning
                                                                circumstances. The most important lesson they learned this year
                                                                was that no matter what situation they are in, God is in control
                                                                and He will guide them through the difficulties of life.
                                                                ECA Grade 8 Graduates:
                                                                   Alyssa Carew
                                                                   Tim Cook
                                                                   Keirsten Jansen
                                                                   Evan Johnson
                                                                   Tyanna Paiva
                                                                   Brooklyn West
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