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                             J U N E   2 0 2 1   •   I S S U E   0 4   •   V O L U M E   1   •   F R E E

                                          YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS & PROFESSIONALS
                                                   FUTURE BUSINESS OWNERS
                         Sustainable  economic  growth  requires  entrepreneurship.  Entrepreneurs  create  new  jobs,
                         contribute  to  economic  expansion,  and  become  stakeholders  in  supporting  a  healthy  business
                         environment.  As  communities  across  the  world  struggle  to  meet  employment  demands,  the
                         importance  of  fostering  a  next  generation  of  entrepreneurs  –  both  job  creators  and
                         entrepreneurial employees – is particularly salient.

        Chambers  of  commerce  and  business  associations  play  a  pivotal  role  in  supporting  entrepreneurship.  They  are  uniquely
        positioned between governments looking to create economic growth and the private sector desire to develop a new generation
        of employees. As the voice of the business community, chambers and associations are able advocate for the reforms necessary to
        encourage job creation. Very often, these reforms lie at the heart of the interests of young people.
        Through a youth entrepreneurship program, like the Young Entrepreneurs & Professionals (YEP) being launched this summer by
        your local chamber, will provide support to the young professionals, as we'll pair them with a local established business owner
        who will help mentor and foster the next generation of business leaders. The YEP program will provide the private sector a way
        to invest in the local economic, youth development, and a new generation of entrepreneurs.
        Our goal at your local chamber is to see the youth become economically empowered where they will invest in themselves and
        their  communities,  become  active  business  leaders,  and  represent  their  business  interests.  The  YEP  program  can  lead  young
        people to become more active members of chamber of commerce and business associations, invest in creating a better and more
        innovative environment for their business and raise a family locally.
        If you are a business owner of 5 plus years and you are interested in mentoring, please contact Shari, Ryan or Tina at the chamber
        office.  If you are a young entrepreneur and want to learn more about being a business owner and how to grow your business,
        please contact us at the chamber by email - or call us at 613 473 1616.
        I hope you enjoy reading our first YEP on page 23!

        Shari Pearce, President
        Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce

                                                              Submissions & Letters
        We need you........We welcome your input to News      Articles  and  letters  may  be  submitted  for  possible
        On  7  -  items  such  as  a  favorite  recipe,  tip  of  the  publication  by  sending  a  brief  outline  by  email  to
        month,  humorous  anecdote  or  cartoon,  general  or  including  your  letter  in  the
        interest article, etc. Your name will be associated   body  of  the  email.  If  we  respond  by  expressing  interest
        with  the  item  (unless  you  wish  it  to  be       in  publishing  your  letter  or  article,  please  understand
        anonymous).     Submit    your     items    to        that it requires acceptance of our policy that all content  by  the  17th  of  each       is subject to editing by the publisher. Please also include
        month. We look forward to hearing from you.           your  full  name,  contact  information  (address  and
                                                              telephone  number—to  be  used  by  the  editors  only)  and
                                      Volume 1  Issue 4       let  us  know  if  you  would  like  your  name  published  or
                     Copyright 2021.  All Rights reserved.    wish to remain anonymous.

        CONTACT US                                            Disclaimer
        MADOC & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE                  The  opinions,  beliefs  and  viewpoints  expressed  by  the
        PO BOX 996  15 DURHAM ST.  UNIT 4                     various authors and advertisers in this newspaper do not
        MADOC, ON  K0K 2K0                                    necessarily  reflect  the  opinions,  beliefs  and  viewpoints
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        613 473 1616                                          Neither  author  nor  publisher  accepts  any  liability  or
        NEWSONSEVEN@GMAIL.COM                                 responsibility  to  any  person  or  entity  with  respect  to
        MADOCCHAMBER@GMAIL.COM                                any loss or damage alleged to have been caused, directly
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