Page 9 - December 2023 News On 7
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                  MINDFUL JOURNEY, MARMORA, ON
                                                              MEDITATION, THE WAY TO BETTER HEALTH

    When asked, “What have you gained from meditation?”  Buddha replied, “Nothing!” Then he continued, “However, let me tell
    you what I have lost: anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, and fear of old age and death.”
    Most of us at some point in our lives have uttered a prayer.    Perhaps we were asking for something or a change to occur in
    our lives. Then, time passes, and we feel as though our prayers were not answered. However, did we take the time to listen?
    Meditation is that step…listening for the answers and being open for the healing.
    It has been proven that those people, including children, who have a meditation practice are healthier as their bodies are
    dealing with stress.  Stress is the trigger for over 85% of doctor visits, 95% of all viruses, trouble sleeping, eating disorders,
    lack of focus and inability to socially function.  In our society we wait until we are broken then try to put the pieces back
    together.  Unfortunately, we only do a quick fix and glue job instead of taking the time to find out what caused the dis-ease
    in the first place. A 15 minute a day meditation is all it takes to make a huge difference in mind, body, and spirit well-being.
    The long term effects of meditation on your over all well-being are now being understood more fully by the medical and
    scientific communities with many physicians encouraging their patients to use these techniques to lower their stress levels.
    Check out this free Learn to Meditate Class …
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