Page 2 - News On 7 September 2021
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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 • I S S U E 0 7 • V O L U M E 1 • F R E E
Like many of you, the Pandemic knocked me sideways on many levels. As a community citizen, business
owner, organization leader and consumer I have taken much of the past 6 months to pause and reflect, I
mean really reflect, on how I can better support my community.
As we were forced into a simpler life of home, work and family at the beginning of the pandemic; foregoing
meals out, excess spending, and no travel, I know I found myself reflecting on my spending,
savings and preparedness habits. I also really reflected on whether I had done enough prior to this crisis to personally
support the businesses in my own backyard.
As things began to open back up, I made a concerted effort to buy from local and unique storefronts here in Madoc and in
other Central Hastings communities. I also resumed some travel when it became appropriate and had 2 amazing get-aways
within Ontario. One of them being L’Original, a destination that I had not had the pleasure of visiting before. The travel and
reflection truly gave me a greater appreciation for the town, region and province and I realized how we can do much better in
terms of support and advocacy for each other.
This pandemic crisis also exposed gaps: Business Continuity Plans; Insurance; Cash Flow & Reserves; and Reliance on outside
forces. It highlighted for me the need to prepare our own financial houses to weather the storms larger than we could have
ever foreseen. It also showcased essential and near recession proof industries & services, and challenged others such as
hospitality, tourism, and personal services.
While the pandemic exposed weaknesses in our local and regional economies, it also exposed our strengths. Notably
resilience, innovation and collaboration. As we continue to move through reopening and recovery we need to continue the
focus on strengthening our local products, services and customer bases, essentially recession and crisis proofing ourselves.
We must continue to celebrate successes and the learning through each other. While we will always continue to be reliant on
global access to products and services, now more than ever we also need to ensure our own local economies are better
protected and sustained.
Working together during this unprecedented time we can and will help each other both locally, regionally and provincially.
Shari Pearce, President of the Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce
Owner of SDP COMMUNICATIONS Submissions & Letters
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