Page 16 - 2022 Fair Book
P. 16


                                  The 4-H section of the Madoc Fair provides an opportunity for 4-H members
                                  to take part in learning experience beyond the local level.  These classes

                                  allow members to display skills they have learned in their own clubs.
                                    **4-H Membership Cards will be accepted at gate for admission.**

                  HASTINGS COUNTY 4-H CLUBS
                  4-H offers countless opportunities and immeasurable personal development to young people ages
                  9 – 21. Many 4-H Clubs achievements are recognized and generously rewarded by the Madoc Fair
                  Board and other sponsorships.
                  There is a wide variety of clubs to choose from, and these possibilities have been offered in
                  Hastings County: Dairy, Dairy Management, Beef, Horse, Animal Friends, Judging, Chocolate,
                  Leadership, Scrapbooking, Ploughing,  Small Engines, Poultry, Home For The Holidays, Sewing and

           SECTION 1 – 4-H HALL DISPLAY                                SECTION 2 – HASTINGS COUNTY 4-H CALF
                                                                               CLUB ACHIEVEMENT DAY
           All entries to be set up in the 4-H Building by 9 a.m.
           Saturday, September 17, 2022. Entries must be
           removed Sunday, September 18 between 3:30 and 4:00              Dairy -Saturday, September 17, 2022
           p.m. Exhibitors are advised not to display valuables as         Beef—Sunday, September 18, 2022
           there will not be a protective screen.                      4-H Show Ring Madoc Fairgrounds –12 noon

                                                                     All 4-H Calves to be on the fairgrounds by 9:30
           CLASS A                                                   a.m. Calves to remain on the grounds until 3:30
           4-H CLUB EXHIBITS                                         p.m.
           All clubs in Hastings County participating in
            projects from September 2021 to September 2022 may                          RULES
           enter an exhibit.                                         1. Open to bonafide Hastings County 4-H club
           Table space of 3’ x 3’ will be provided.
           Exhibits must include the title of the exhibit                members who have completed their 2022
           and 4-H club’s name.                                          project work to the satisfaction of their 4-H
           Prize money: all entries will receive $20.00                  leader.
                                                                     2. Exhibitors must show their own 4-H project calf,
                                                                         which shall be the same calf described on  the
           CLASS B
           Youth Leader and Special Project Exhibits                     project information sheet, which the member
                                                                         shall have filled in and submitted prior to June
           Open to all 4-H members who have taken a Youth                1, 2022.
           Leader Project September 2021 to September 2022 and
           4-H members who have done an exhibit as a special         3. In the event a calf dies or is disqualified by a
           project for a 4-H club September 2021 to September            veterinarian from participating for health
           2022..                                                        reasons,  a member will be allowed to exhibit a
                                                                         substitute calf for showmanship only if they

                                                                         bring it to the attention of the 4-H association.
           ONE ENTRY PER PERSON ONLY.                                    The 4-H leader must be informed at least one
           · Prepare an individual, self explanatory display, as for     week prior to the show.
               Achievement Program.                                  4. $10.00 Prize Money will be awarded to each
           · please write your name and name of class on back of         entry.
           · prize money: all entries will receive $10.00
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