Page 17 - News On 7 March 2022 Edition
P. 17

   It is not an easy task to be faced with an unplanned career transition, such as a facility closure or the financial downturn many
   businesses are experiencing as the pandemic evolves. Layoff, early retirement, and furlough are different outcomes that can
   stem from the same scenario, and only you can decide which is best for you, and your family.  Here are some considerations
   you should focus on as you decide what transition makes sense for you and your family.
   Budgeting  and  Cashflow  –  What  will  your  income  look  like  for  the  next  month,  quarter,  and  year?  Will  you  have  any
   employment  income,  severance  payments,  government  benefits,  or  will  you  withdraw  savings?  How  does  your  expected
   income compare to your expected expenses? Do you know where every dollar goes currently? How will this change? Have you
   identified expenses that you can eliminate and/or purchases you can postpone? A budget does not have to be complicated, a
   simple list of your expenses and when they are due will suffice.
   Emergency Fund – Do you have access to liquid assets to supplement or replace your income? Where is it held and what is it
   invested in? Ideally, this is a source you can access within 24-48 hours and has no costs or penalties for withdrawing. For those
   who may be entitled to a lump-sum payout as part of a severance package, consider using this to establish or enhance your
   emergency fund.
   Retirement – Are you being offered a retirement package? Are you ready to fully retire or would you like to work part time? Are
   you confident that you can work somewhere else for a few years before retiring on your own terms? What does retirement
   really look like to you? If you’re not certain that you can work elsewhere, how can you adjust your desired retirement lifestyle
   to meet your new reality? Look at your other retirement income streams (CPP and OAS) and any new expenses you will incur
   once you retire.
   Protection – How does your protection change when you leave your job? Will your health and dental coverage extend beyond
   your last day of work? Do you or any members of your family need to acquire new coverage? Your life insurance coverage at
   work will likely end. Do you need to find an alternate way to protect your family? Is it possible to convert or continue your
   coverage, or will you need to acquire new coverage altogether?
   Moving – This may not be your first choice - or this may present the opportunity you have been waiting for. Moving could be
   costly upfront but may save you money in the long term. Will your emergency fund suffice to cover the initial costs, or will you
   need to borrow money? If you're changing jobs, will your prospective employer assist financially with the move? You may be
   able to deduct eligible moving expenses if you satisfy certain criteria. Ask your accountant what qualifies you, and if you qualify,
   what expenses are eligible. And keep your receipts.
   Transitions can be difficult, but they also present opportunity. Take some proactive steps to sieve the opportunity and make
   the changes that are best for you. And, as always, consult with the proper professionals before taking immediate action.  This
   article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones is a member of the
   Submitted by Scott Foster
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