Page 11 - News On 7 April 2022 Edition
P. 11


             MARMORA & LAKE

                           Attention  all  wood  workers,  lumberjacks,
                           loggers,   wood   turners   and   carvers!
                           Celebrate  the  history  of  lumbering  in
                           Marmora!  Come join in the fun on May 21,
                           2022 at Memorial Park in Marmora and Lake
                           (beside   the   Tourism   Centre)   for   a
                           lumberjack  demonstration.  There  will  also
                           be chainsaw carving and axe throwing.
                           Vendors  with  wood  crafts  and  sales  are
                           welcome  to  attend.  Bring  your  table  and
                           display, set up is from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
                           There  is  no  charge  and  donations  will  be
                           accepted. It will be a great day for the whole
                           family!  Watch  out  for  flyers  with  more
    If  you  are  interested  in  setting  up  a  display,  please  contact  Mary
    Provost  (613-922-6180),  Bernie  Donaldson  (613-847-2068)  or  Mary
    Jane Goodchild (613-848-6145) and reserve a spot.

                                                                    EMPLOYMENT  OPPORTUNITY:  FULL-TIME
                                                                    EQUIPMENT OPERATOR
                                                                    The Municipality of Marmora and Lake Transportation
                                                                    Services  Department  invites  applications  for  the  full-
                                                                    time position of: Full-Time Equipment Operator.

                                                                    POSITION  SUMMARY:  The  Municipality  of  Marmora
                                                                    and  Lake  is  seeking  one  (1)  hardworking,  motivated
                                                                    team player to work in the Public Works Department-
                                                                    Transportation Services as equipment operator.
                                                                    To view the whole document go to:
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