Page 20 - News On 7 April 2022 Edition
P. 20

    Written by: Tom Simpson
    In  1925  Lion's  International  was  asked  to  be  the
    "Knight  of  Darkness  "  by  Helen  Keller  at  their
    convention, I took the time on my travels to visit her
    birth place, Tuscumbia, Alabama. Lions from around
    the world have contributed to this historical site.

    She  made  her  last  public  appearance  in  1961  at  a
    Washington,  DC  Lion's  International  Foundation
    meeting. She received Lions Humanitarian Award for
    her  lifetime  of  service  to  humanitarian  and  for
    providing  the  inspiration  for  the  adoption  by  Lions
    Clubs  International  Foundation  of  their  sight
    conservation and aid to Blind Programs.
    Madoc  Lion's  have  helped  doing  eye  screening,
    donating  equipment  and  collecting  unused  glasses
    (Lion Marj Young). On behalf of the "Little Club with              LIONS CLUB OF LAND O’LAKES
    the Big Heart " a donation was made.                               This evening our club was surprised with an award.
                                                                       The  Lion  Club  of  Land  O’Lakes  received  the  Club
                                                                       Excellence  Award.  This  award  was  for  the  2020-
                                                                       2021  year  under  the  guidance  and  leadership  of
                                                                       Immediate  Past  Lion  Phil  Barchard.  To  qualify  for
    LIONS CLUB OF LAND O’LAKES                                         the  Club  Excellence  Award,  clubs  must  meet
    This  evening,  District  A-3  1st  Vice  District  Governor  Lion  specific   requirements   in   four   categories:
    Linda  Zwier  and  Lion  Gary  were  able  to  present  Lion  Red  Membership, Service, Leadership & Organizational
    with  the  Melvin  Jones  Fellowship  Award.  The  Melvin  Jones   Excellence,  and  Marketing  &  Communication.
    Fellowship  Award  honours  the  legacy  of  Lions  founder,       Thank  You  1st  Vice  District  Governor  Lion  Linda
    Melvin  Jones.  The  Fellowship  is  the  highest  form  of        Zwier  for  surprising  and  presenting  this  award  to
    recognition  and  embodies  ideas  consistent  with  the  nature   us this evening.
    and purpose of Lionism.

                               It  is  presented  to  someone
                               who     has     demonstrated
                               dedicated        humanitarian
                               services by providing kindness
                               and  service  to  his  club  and  to
                               those in need. Thank You Red
                               for  your  hard  work,  service
                               and dedication to our club.
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