Page 13 - News On 7 September 2021
P. 13

       Congratulations to Katherine and crew for kicking off the 1st of 9  Madoc  Lions  welcomed  back  the  members  of  the
       Classic Cruise Night Events. Aug 4th to Sept 29th.                  Madoc Seniors Club.  We put on a FREE bingo with
       First  night  there  were  52                                       prizes  once  a  month  for  our  friends  the  Madoc
       classic  cars,  trucks  and                                         Seniors.  You  must  be  a  member  of  the  Madoc
       motorcycles.    Madoc Lions                                         Seniors Club to participate.
       supplied 10 draw prizes for                                         Lion Carl was right in his glory calling the numbers
       children in attendance.                                             (the  wrong  ones  according  to  some  seniors)  Lion
                                                                           Marlene and Lion Deb calling back the numbers and
                                                                           handing  out  the  prizes.  Lion  Tom  on  hand
                                                                           supporting  the  event.    We  love  and  respect  our
                    As well a draw at each of the 9 events for a die cast  Seniors!
                    registered "Pacer Car" from Daytona.   Madoc Legion
                    on  hand  to  do  BBQ,  50/50  draw  winner  took  home
                    $202  with  $202  being  donated  to  the  Bruce  Lee  BUTTERFLY RELEASE
                    Hockey League.  Thanks to Clifford Andrews for being   Another great event with Hospice
                    MC and great music.                                    House  at  their  Annual  Butterfly
                                                                           Release event.
       Big round of applause to the North Frontenac Township for putting
       on  a  successful  Essential  Service  Fair.  Thank  You  for  inviting  the
       Lions Club of Land O’Lakes.  The Lions had a service table set up as  MADOC  LIONS  -  TOWNSHIP
       well   as   they   served                                           FUNDRAISER
       approximately  180  people                                          Lion  Tom  presents  Fire  Chief
       with  free  hotdogs  and                                            Jason  Gear  with  funds  from  the
       Hamburgers.  Thank  you                                             BBQ at the Ground Breaking.
       Smarts Marina for the ice
       donation  to  keep  the
       beverages     refreshingly
       cold  for  everyone  to
       Thank You for everyone the generous donations.  It was nice to see  CONGRATULATIONS TO GREG PROVOST
       people  out  enjoying  this  nice  weather,  and  learning  about  local  This years winner of our ATV Raffle, Greg is now the
       services.                                                          proud owner of the 2021 750 Suzuki King Quad.
                                                                          A special thanks to Dan Powell of Powell Power Sport
                                                                          of  Marmora.    Funds  from  the  raffle  go  towards
       LIONS CLUB OF LAND O'LAKES                                         supporting  the  many  activities  we  provide  in  our
       The  Lions  Club  of  Land  O’  Lakes  made  a  $4000              community.
       donation  towards  these  tracks  for  the  Kaladar-
       Barrie Fire Department UTV.

                                            It was great to see
                                            them displayed at
                                            the North Frontenac
                                            Essential Service
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