Page 22 - News On 7 June 2021 Updated
P. 22

Actinolite Graphics

                                                      COLOUR PRINTING / SIGNS / DESIGN
                                                     TOP QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES

                                         I started my home based business in October of 1989. From 1984 to 1989 I worked for Quinte Web Press
           in Tweed. I tray developed film for producing community newspapers such as the Tweed News.    From  1977  to  1982  I
           worked in Toronto and was a Journeyman member of Graphic Arts International Union. I got my graphic arts training at
           Mohawk College and George Brown College.  Before 1977 I worked as an Accountant in my home town, Belleville, Ontario.
           I graduated from Loyalist College in 1971 with a 3 year Diploma of business and was on the Dean's List.
           Serving  the  Tweed,  Madoc,  and  Land  O'
           Lakes area since 1989. This business provides
           full  service  to  small  business,  new  business,
           home   based   business,   charities   and
           individuals.  A  wide  variety  of  products  and
           services are provided including a Fax Service,
           DFS  /  Nebs  business  products,  Vinyl
           Banners,  Coroplast  Signs  Vehicle  Magnets,
           Raffle and event tickets and custom designed
           carbonless forms.

                                            Upcoming Events

         Wednesday June 16th - Via Zoom
         6:30pm to 8:00pm
                                                                                           All events are sponsored by:
         Every business owner, employee, volunteer and student will experience predictable patterns
         of frustration, stress, burnout, direct and vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue leading to
         illness, rapid job turnover, negative effects on careers and personal life, and too often, leaving
         the profession. This workshop explores the often ignored and always present occupational
         hazard of Compassion Fatigue.

         CHAMBER MEMBERS:  $10  NON MEMBERS: $15

         Monday June 21st and Tuesday June 22nd
         10am to 12:30pm each day
         Want a REAL return on investment for your marketing strategies - in half the time? This new
         workshop  cuts  through  the  hype  and  the  buzzwords  to  teach  you  strategies  that  get  the
         results  YOU  need.  With  a  strategic  online  digital  marketing  plan,  you  can  keep  your
         organization ahead of the game -- without the stressful cost of learning by trial and error.
         This Boot Camp shows you how to build an effective digital marketing strategy and increase
         your visibility in an extremely competitive landscape.  This workshop is valued at $299!
         Sign up by June 15th and SAVE BIG TIME!

         Chamber Members: $65.00    Non Members: $75.00
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