Page 30 - 2022 Fair Book
P. 30


                                                       CLASS 45 Con’t

                        VEGETABLE SPECIALS                                    SEEDS AND GRAINS
                                                                      Prizes: 1 $12.00, 2  $10.00, 3 $8.00
          36.  Special — Free entry for Children under 16
               (Exhibitor number required)
               Largest Giant Pumpkin - Prize $100.00             44.  Corn Grain, 3 ears, named
                                                                 45.  Shell Corn, 1 quart jar
               Sponsored by Colby Love
                                                                 46.  Soybeans, named, 1 quart jar
          37.  Odd Shaped Pumpkin - Prizes: 1 , $25.00, 2 nd     47.  Wheat, Spring or Fall, 1 quart jar
               $15.00, 3 $10.00                                  48.  Any Spring Grain, 1 quart jar
               Sponsored by Colby Love                           49.  Largest Sunflower Head
                                                                 50.  One Leaf of first-cut Hay
          38.   Best Basket of Potatoes - Prize $10.00           51.  One leaf of second-cut Hay
               Sponsored by Karen and Larry Wood                 52.  Spray of any variety of Grain, 25 stalks, securely
                                                                      tied, 18-24" tall, named
          39.  Best Exhibit of Garden Produce in a Basket -
              Prize $20.00                                       53.  6 Stalks of Corn, variety named
              Sponsored by Karen and Larry Wood
                                                                          Please support our generous Sponsors:
          40.  Best 3 L Basket of Tomatoes- Prize $10.00
              Sponsored by C.G.                                                     County Farm Centre
          41.  Largest Squash - Prize $10.00                                   Dekalb-Bayer Crop Science
              Sponsored by MacKenzie Mills                                       Madoc Farm Supply

          42.  Oddest Shape Potatoe - Prize $10.00
              Sponsored by MacKenzie Mills

          43.  Best Basket of Pears Prize $10.00 Sponsored
              by Judith Gray

                                         ADVANCE MIDWAY TICKETS

                                                    AVAILABLE AT

                                                MADOC PHARMACY

                                                 HOME HARDWARE

                                         KELLY’S FLOWERS & GIFTS.

                                            $25 FOR 20 IN ADVANCE

                                            $35 FOR 20 AT THE FAIR
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