Page 16 - News On 7 December 2021
P. 16


   Tickets available from all Marmora Fair Board
   Bonita Ray , Kelli Curtis ,Kim Ferguson,Jaycee
   Doyle, Kathy Glembinski, Polly Sprung, Dennis
   Ormerod,  Kierstyn  Dimopoulos  ,  Jeanette
   Seaborn,  Cindy  Giles.    As  well  as  Marmora
   Cutting  Corner,  Cooks  Barber  Shop,  Country
   Tree  Folk,  Ultramar  gas  station.  And  The
   Marmora  Legion.    Thank  you  for  your
   continued support.

                                                            MARMORA  SERVICE         ONTARIO     UPDATED     HOURS     OF
                                                            Please be advised, that until further notice, Service Ontario
                                                            will be open Monday and Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

                                                            EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY
                                                            One  (1)  Temporary  Full-Time  Position  (One)  Of  Winter
                                                            Maintenance Operator

                                                            Advertise With Us On The Municipal Digital Board!
                                                            Space is available on the board to rent weekly for $50.00 OR get
   MARMORA SPA AND NAILS                                    more bang for your buck and advertise monthly for $175.00 (new
   Buy any Gift Certificate valued $50.00 or more save      price  point)!  We  have  received  positive  feedback  from  local
   10%! If you would like to purchase a Gift Certificate    business  owners  who  have  utilized  the  board  to  advertise  their
   for  a  client,  but  you  don't  live  in  the  area  I  will  business.
   personally deliver the Certificate anywhere between      The Municipal Digital Board is a great way for local businesses to
   Tweed  and  Norwood.  So  all  you  have  to  do  is     promote or an organization to advertise their community events
   etransfer amount. I also mail Certificates.              in a high traffic area.
                                                            The  High  Definition  Digital
                                                            Board is located on Hwy. #7 at
                                                            the  Tourism  Centre.  The  sign
                                                            faces  both  directions  reaching
                                                            an  audience  coming  into  and
                                                            leaving Marmora and Lake. Ads
                                                            will run 24 hours a day.

                                                            For  more  information  and  to  purchase  advertising  space,  please
                                                            call  Tammy  May,  Economic  Development  Coordinator  at
                                                            613.849.4893 or email
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