Page 18 - News On 7 June 2021 Updated
P. 18

Cottage Country Candy Factory Outlet

                                                                   Is Now Open In Marmora And Lake!

       Did you know that Potter’s Valu-Mart in Marmora
       and Lake will deliver your groceries to your door?

                                                             Cottage  Country  Candy  Factory  Outlet  (located  at  20  Matthew
                                                             Street  -  beside  the  Marmora  and  Lake  Public  Library)  is  NOW
                                                             Come in for a visit and check out their HUGE selection of candies,
                                                             nuts and trails mixes. They even carry gluten/sugar free candies
                                                             and vegan friendly ones too!
                                                             The store is open Monday - Saturday from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm,
                                                             closed Sunday.  A big thank you to Cottage Country for choosing
                                                             to invest in Marmora and Lake, we’re excited to have you here!
       They can take phone orders from those unable to
       leave  their  homes  due  to  health-related  reasons.
       Deliveries are made on Tuesdays and Thursdays to      GUARDIAN PHARMACY
       in town addresses only (no charge). Orders must       The  new  Guardian  Pharmacy  in  Marmora  and  Lake  is  coming
       be called in by noon on delivery days.
                                                             together. The building looks great AND has a fantastic mural!
                                                             Stay tuned to the Municipal social media platforms for the official
       LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT                                grand opening date. Special thanks to the owners for choosing to
       BMR and Broadbents Home Hardware are hiring!          invest in Marmora and Lake!
        Another new business coming soon to Marmora
       and Lake, Hometown Cones!

       The  Marmora  Pentecostal  Church
       Good  Food  Bag  and  Good  Baby  Bag
       Programs available!
       The Good Food Bag Program offers fresh produce at
       a fraction of the retail cost. The contents of the bag
       change each month according to what is in season.
       $10.00 for a Large Bag of Vegetables and $5.00 for a
       Small Bag of Fruit. All sales are CASH only and due
       upon  pick-up.  The  bags  are  available  on  the  1st
       Tuesday of the month. Orders are to be called in at
       613.472.3219 and pick-up is between 2:30 pm - 5:00
       pm at 53 Madoc Street.
       The Good Baby Bag Program is $6.50 and comes with
       20  diapers  and  your  choice  of  one  specialty  item
       (please  call  613.472.3219  to  inquire  about  the
       selection  of  speciality  items  available).  All  sales  are
       CASH  only  and  due  upon  pick-up.  Pick  up  is  every
       Wednesday  from  10:00  am  -  2:00  pm  at  53  Madoc
       Thank you to the Community Development Council
       of Quinte for proving these wonderful programs!
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