Page 2 - September 2022 News On 7
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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 • I S S U E 0 9 • V O L U M E 2 • F R E E
We hope that you had a wonderful summer. It was very nice to be out and about, having gatherings of
friends and family and enjoying basic simple pleasures of everyday comings and goings that we missed. The
Chamber has had a very busy summer as well. We had our first Classic Car Show & Street Fest in August.
The event seen local residents participating in the day's activities and it was beautiful evening for a street
dance. We had an opportunity to meet wonderful residents from our local area. We are hoping to make this
an annual event with the Madoc's Kiwanis, Legion, Lions and B.I.T.
Also during the month of August we held our the second annual Heritage Harvest Golf Tournament,
partnered with the B.I.T. I would like to personally thank all the volunteers who came out to help with the
events and all the businesses that sponsored, along with all residents & members who participated.
Now, It’s September! This means Labor Day weekend, back-to-school time, the beginnings of Fall foliage, and so many things to
do around your home and your yard… not to mention at The Chamber! After an all-too-short summer, your Chamber team is
rolling out a wide array of programs to support your needs. Networking opportunities — such as Chamber Business Exchange,
Chamber AM (breakfast & business), Meet Up events and YEP programs, an educational lineup featuring documentation and the
changing world of social media, small business week full of workshops, photo shoots, and, of course, our first signature Business
Excellence Awards and Gala all highlight a fall agenda that underscores the message #TheChamberCanHelp — YOU!
Momentum, our website, e-blasts and social media platforms can all fill you in on the details of what’s happening so you can take
advantage of all that the Madoc & District Chamber provides to our members and this community. Check us out today!
Shari Pearce, President of the Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce
Submissions & Letters
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publication by sending a brief outline by email to
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anonymous). Submit your items to your full name, contact information (address and by the 17th of each telephone number—to be used by the editors only) and
month. We look forward to hearing from you. let us know if you would like your name published or
wish to remain anonymous.
Volume 2 Issue 09
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