Page 16 - News On 7 April Edition
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    Danella  Hesler©  came  to  the  Eldorado  area  in  1998  and  started  a  business  teaching  “Improve  your
    Posture” classes. The exercises were designed by her teacher of the Mitzvah Technique, Nehemia Cohen.
    Mitzvah is focused on correcting our faulty postural habits by using everyday movement as an exercise.
    Mizvah is one on one bodywork done on a madage table to release deep set tension and stress. The course
    took 3 years to complete and Danella was then a Mitzvah Technique Teacher. Over ten years she taught 6
    people to become Mitzvah Technique Teachers and hundreds of others the exercises. One of the students
    was her daughter Milica Jelenic© who lives near Marmora.
    Over  the  years  the  mother  daughter  team  have  taken  many  courses  in  a  variety  of  methods  and
    techniques to enhance their abilities. In addition to offering Mitzvah sessions, Milica, also offers Radionics
    as one of her many services. This is a machine that uses frequency, vibration, and photons of light to send
    information to the person's body. It is a method of analyzing what has caused imbalance in the body and
    then begins to remove the problem or repair damage. This process is not a pre calculated time or number
    of sessions. each individual has different healing abilities. It might take one person 2 sessions and another
    person  20  sessions.  There  is  no  magic  button  to  indicate  what  that  process  of  healing  is  for  each
    Most people are extremely dehydrated. getting enough water into the body (not in the form of coffee, tea,
    energy drinks, pop) is crucial for healing any issue. The first question asked when pain is a problem is how
    much water  do you drink? For every 20 pounds you weigh you need 1, 8 ounce glass of water if you are
    100 pounds you need 5 glasses. Starting on this regime will cut down on the number of sessions and help  Milica Jelenic, BA. MTT,
    flush the kidneys.                                                                             Access Bars Facilitator,
    For additional info:                                                                
    Milica Jelenic, BA. MTT,   (613) 472-2701

                                                                          Upcoming Events

                                                                               4 POWERFUL DAYS WITH
                                                                          4 INCREDIBLE BUSINESS MENTORS
                                                                                    April 20th - 23rd
                                                                     Sponsored by Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce

                                                                           Member Event: SDP COMMUNICATIONS
                                                                             Registration Begins March 31, 2021
                                                                 This is a FREE event for all Business Owners!  One hour each day
                                                                                   from 11am to Noon!

                                                                         The Competitive Advantage Workshop
                                                                            For Service Based Businesses  $25
                                                                              April 28, 2021  6:30pm to 8:00pm
                                                                                 This is a Zoom Workshop!
                                                                      Presented by: Shari Pearce, SDP COMMUNICAITONS
                                                                                Registration Begins April 8th
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