Page 113 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 113
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 112
4 strand round eye splice 47 nails 8
sennit 50 fender, napkin rings 75
8 strand globe knot 24 bow 35
8 strand square button 40 packer’s knot 9
sennit 25 flat seizing 27 pilot spike 45
french hitching/ Portuguese sennit 16
alternate crown whipping 59 spiral 16
sennit 19
grapevine service 59 quoits 70
back splice 97 grommets 70
baggywrinkle 89 rigging mixtures 11
bellrope, heaver 6 right angle splice 93
with 6 ends 20 heaving mallet 6 rope handrails 54
with 8 ends 23 hitching or half hitching 32 rope ladders 43
simple 18, 22
belts 67 jib shackle 98 seizing 27
binocular strap 62 serving stick 8
boas bowline 44 key ring, shackle release 16
boat hook covering 59 floating 85 sharpening knives 8
boatswain’s whistle deluxe 18 short splice 74
lanyard knot 99 simple 14 side fender,
double 99 knives 8 monkey’s fist 84
Bosun’s chair swin 52 knot board 80 simple 26
bowsprit net 92 using crown
bracelet 16 lanyard knot 99 sennit 29
bundles of line 10 lanyard, side splice 107, 108
fancy 50 St Mary’s hitching 61
cat-o-nine tails 56 simple 46 star knot 21
chest beckets 70 light pull 82 star washer 54
fancy 73 linseed oil 11 stockholm tar 11
constrictor knot 9 loop tool 8 Swedish fid 7
cordage 12
covering a wheel 64 manrope knot 55 tallow 10
crown knot 51 marlinespike 6 tiller covering 59
6 strand 31 hitch 10 tips of the trade 6
fancy 6 strand 31 little 7 tuck and knot net knot 94
fancy 8 strand 25 mat, Turk’s head,
crown loop end 63 hitched oval 102 4 lead 3 bight 65
crown sennit 25 kringle 104 4 lead 5 bight 65
oblong deck 106 5 lead 4 bight 76
diamond knot 95 ocean 100 3 lead 5 bight 28
extended 51 prolong 100
splice 47 Matthew Walker knot 57 wall knot, 6 strand 30
ditty bag lanyard 56 measuring rope 12 whisk 87
dog lead 95 melted ends of wooden fid 7
door stop 84 synthetic rope 12
double crown finish 22 moku hitching 61 zip pull 14
monkey’s fist 82, 84
earrings 14, 85