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                COMMON NAME          Palta - Avocado

                SCIENTIFIC NAME      Percea Americana. Mill

                ORIGIN               Colombia

                ALTITUDE             1800 MASL

                CALIBER              12 to 18 (15%)
                DISTRIBUTION         Colombian Andes from 1600 to 2200 MASL

                VEGETATIVE CYCLE     Annual produc on

                                     Excellent quality avocado, with skin that varies from seeing to black when ripe,
                                     oval in shape and small to medium sized seed. It has pale green to yellow pulp
                                     on the inside, with a creamy texture, which allows it to be able to remove the
                                     peel easily, its epidermis or skin is easily recognized by having a granular, strong
                                     and flexible appearance, mostly iden fied when its colora on is s ll green.
                                     Excellent taste.
                 Quality Criteria                                   Organolep c Characteris cs

                 Free from quaran ne pests.                          COLOR:   Green intense variety of
                 No mechanical damage.                                           characteris cs (uniform).
                 Fruit below the % of dry ma er.                     SMELL:    Characteris c.
                 Fruit that exceeds the % of dry ma er.              SHAPE:    Oval, variety characteris c.
                 Len cellosis tolerance of 15%.                     FLAVOR:    Characteris c.
                 Tolerance of 15% of the sun.                        TEXTURE:  Creamy without pronounced grain.
                 Tolerance of 5% presence of beetle Marceño.
                 Free of agrochemicals not allowed.                 Packs per Container
                 Minor deforma ons.                                 EEUU: Package in 2240 boxes of 11.5Kg
                 Thrips damage less than 10%                        PERSONALIZED: Package in 2240 boxes of

                                                                    10Kg calibers from 12 to 32
                                                                    EUROPE: Package in 3168 boxes of 4Kg
                                                                    calibers from 12 to 24 Package in 896
                                                                    boxes of 10Kg calibers from 26 to 32

                                                                     TARIFF HEADING: 0804.40.00.10
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