Page 26 - December 2017
P. 26

Receive what you have earned
n BY JERRY CRUZ although it did not affect his police performance. He returned
mt Greetings, my fraternal brothers and sisters. I am
o full duty, but was hesitant to apply for compensation
      the Chairman of your Military Committee. To quote
President Harry S. Truman, “Our debt to heroic men
and valiant women in the service of our country can
never be repaid, they have earned our undying grat-
itude, America will never forget their sacrifices.” The
through the VA. After several conversations, the officer
completed the application process with the VA and, af- ter several VA medical appointments, received neces- sary treatment and now receives 10-percent disability
For the brothers and sisters who continue to serve,
  members on the committee believe warriors need advo o-
cates to serve the veterans in our fraternal organization who have sacrificed so much on our behalf. We exist so that you are treated fairly by the City and receive the benefits you’ve earned for serving our nation from the City, state and federal government. President Graham has given us the opportunity to make this happen, so I’ll be writing to our brothers and sis- ters with useful information.
For our brothers and sisters who have served or continue to serve in the armed forces, you have earned benefits through the Veterans Administration (VA) that you may not realize you have earned. Our goal is to get this information to you so that you may receive the entitlements you deserve. For example, a fraternal brother returned from a deployment with an injury –
the Chicago Police Department Employee Resource EO1-14 Military Leave of Absence Act explains the procedure on how to obtain a military leave of absence. With deployments seem- ing to have no end in sight, and a continuation of orders for annual training, additional duty for training, additional spe- cial work and drills (battle assemblies), I recommend officers familiarize themselves with EO1-14. Keep in mind that you are entitled to get the time off, but not always does the officer receive credit in their annuity (pension) benefit. This means the officer may have to make up the time by retiring later, or request to pay into their annuity.
I’m looking forward to working for those who serve us. If you have a question or need assistance, write me an email at d

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