Page 134 - Selling secrets 5 18 2023
P. 134

out if any of these situations apply to you. Eagerness to
        please them might be read as desperation.

        Buyers also play the waiting game. In real estate, acceptance
        time can be a powerful tool in price negotiations. From their
        perspective, the longer the house has been on the market,
        the more flexible the seller will be. The same applies to
        negotiations. The more they stretch out the negotiations,
        the more likely they’ll get the price they want. Why? Buyers
        want to become friendly, they want to create trust, and they
        ultimately  want  your willingness  to agree  to their terms.
        Your advantage is that the relationship is a two-way street
        and they might not want to walk away empty-handed after
        gaining your trust. By exercising patience, you can hold your
        position on terms and price.


        Information is crucial to real estate negotiations. The more
        information the buyer can glean from you, the more
        pressure he can exert. The more knowledgeable side will
        overpower the less-informed at the bargaining table. The
        more insight the buyer has into your motivation to sell, the
        more powerful he feels in the negotiation.


        « The more knowledgeable you are about your home,
        your market, and real estate terminology, the better
        prepared you’ll be to negotiate with buyers.

        « Make sure your price is based on solid research.

        « Be clear about your goals, your motivations, and the

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