Page 33 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2016
P. 33

of the flank (directly below the wing). Using the flattened tip of the no. 2 round brush, dab small spots of Slate Grey on the mantle area and the upper central area of the flank (directly below the wing). Repeat the same splotches on the mantle area only using Burnt Umber.
Transfer the toes, the upper and lower wingbars, and the underwing covert. Define the wingbars on each lower edge of the upper and lower wing coverts with the no. 2 round brush and thinned Snow (Titanium) White. Add Lamp (Ebony) Black spots on the lower edge of the under- wing covert using the no. 2 round brush.
Deepen the shading on both upper and lower co- verts, on the wing along the coverts and on the top half of the tail using the 1⁄4" angled shader loaded with Burnt Umber+Lamp (Ebony) Black (3:1).
Using the no. 10/0 liner, pat Terra Coral+Snow (Titani- um) White (1:1) on the crown of the head, on the cheek be- low the eye and on the upper breast area. Soften with a mop.
Paint thin, feathery lines on the lower flank and belly using the no. 10/0 liner and Snow (Titanium) White. These lines should be randomly placed to blur the color transi- tion between areas.
Paint the toes using the no. 10/0 liner with thinned Lamp (Ebony) Black.
BERRY BRANCH: Deepen the shading using the 1⁄4" angled shader loaded with Lamp (Ebony) Black. Load the no. 10/0 liner brush with thinned Burnt Umber+Lamp (Ebony) Black (3:1) to add curved bark lines.
FULL BERRIES: Deepen the shading using the 1⁄4" angled shader loaded with Heritage Brick+Primary Red (1:1). Soften with a mop.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2016 31
PARTIAL BERRIES: Deepen the shading using the 1⁄4" angled shader loaded with Lamp (Ebony) Black to deepen the shading. Soften with a mop.
PINE BRANCHES: Using the no. 10/0 liner, add a few random Burnt Umber+Lamp (Ebony) Black (2:1) lines across the branches.
PINE NEEDLES: Using the no. 1 script liner, add thinned Evergreen needles to fill in each area.
BIRD: Coat the bird with DecoArt Americana Drying Time Extender. Deepen the shading using the 1⁄4" angled shader loaded with Primary Red+Burnt Umber (5:1) on the head along the beak, on the nape of the neck, on the throat next to the breast, and on the lower belly area. Use Burnt Umber to deepen the shading above top half of the eye.
Deepen the left side of each beak section with Lamp (Ebony) Black. Highlight the nostril with a dash of Snow (Titanium) White. Shade the left third of the inside of the mouth with Burnt Umber. Use the no. 10/0 liner to out- line the lower edge of the upper beak and the upper edge of the lower beak with thinned Snow (Titanium) White+ Terra Coral (1:tch). Place a soft Snow (Titanium) White line directly beneath the eye on the lower rim. Soften with a mop.
Add Terra Coral+Snow (Titanium) White (1:1) spots on the lower edge of the underwing covert next to the black spots using the no. 2 round brush.
Outline the edging on the wing and add lines to the tail using the no. 10/0 liner brush loaded with thinned Snow (Titanium) White.

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