Page 34 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2016
P. 34

 Using the no. 10/0 liner, paint feathery Snow (Titanium) White strokes on the head, breast, belly, and on the spotted area of the underwing covert and vent areas. These should be random and can bridge over the front edge of the breast into the lower belly and vent area. Add a few Slate Grey+Lamp (Ebony) Black (2:1) lines at the lower edge of the vent. Add Snow (Titanium) White lines curving onto the wings from the gray flank area directly under the wing. Highlight the toes with Snow (Titanium) White.
Add a Burnt Umber shadow under the wing and underwing covert using a 1⁄4" angled shader.
PINE BRANCHES AND BERRY BRANCHES: Deepen shading on a few random areas using Lamp (Ebony) Black.
PINE NEEDLES: Use the 1⁄2" angled shader to float Evergreen+Lamp (Ebo- ny) Black (2:1) along the center of the lower side of each needle cluster. Add a few Slate Grey+Evergreen+Snow (Titanium) White (2:1:tch) needles.
Transfer the lettering details to the plaque using white graphite paper and a fine-tipped stylus.
Use a freshly sharpened chalk pencil.
Sharpen pencils with a battery-operated sharpener for finer tips.
Place a folded, clean paper towel under your hand to prevent smearing
your work.
Outline letters with the pencil, then fill in using a scumbling motion: tiny,
continuous circles made holding the pencil more straight, and done without lifting the pencil from the surface.
Remove any tracing lines with a small point pencil-style eraser.
Soften wider chalk letters and areas using the small foam detailer brush. Shape edges of letters using a clean, water-moistened point blend brush.
Spray Krylon Workable Fixatif approximately 8" above the surface to per- manently adhere the chalk and to keep it from smudging. After spraying, add additional coats of chalk pencil to brighten chalking details. Spraying with Krylon Workable Fixatif allows areas to be reworked multiple times.
For extremely bright dots and details, touch the tip of the pencil to a wa- ter-dampened paper towel. It is best to keep one pencil for dry chalk and another for wet chalk as wetting the chalk can weaken the pencil.
Position a white pencil line at the lower edge of each word and above the smaller letters as a guide to keep the letters straight. Use a freshly sharp- ened white pencil to outline the lettering. Fill in the individual letters using a scumbling motion. Sharpen the pencil as often as needed. Use a transparent ruler as a guide to apply the border lines where possible. Add comma-strokes and dots to the border.
Highlight all the branches by lightly and randomly scumbling a small amount of chalk on the center of each branch. Add snow to the pine and berry branches using a circular, scumbling motion as well as dots. Add a few specks of snow in the branches and on the top of each berry.
Soften each letter using the small foam detailer. Moisten the small point blend brush with clean water and blot it on a paper towel. Clean up the edge of the letters and scrolls using the tip of the brush. Remove any evi-

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