Page 54 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2016
P. 54

GIRL STOCKING: Basecoat the stocking with Poodleskirt Pink. Using the no. 4 shader and the 3⁄8" angular brushes, paint the toe using a wash of Vivid Violet, shade with Cin- namon Drop, and highlight with Cool White. Using the 5/0 liner brush, paint the buttons Mustard Seed and dot with Cool White.
Using the no. 0 and 2 shaders, paint the dolly’s face and hand Natural Buff, her dress Wisteria, and the collar and candy cane Cool White. Shade the bottom of the face and hand with Boysenberry Pink, under the neck with Vivid Violet, and the dress with Purple Rain.
Tint the cheeks and paint the candy stripes with tiny strokes of thinned Cinnamon Drop. Dot the eyes Mid- nite Blue, the collar Vivid Violet and the dress buttons Cool White.
Using the no. 10/0 liner, paint the hair with strokes of thinned Raw Sienna tipped slightly in Mustard Seed.
Stipple the top of the stocking using the dome stencil brushes and Vivid Violet tipped in Cool White. Highlight us- ing Cool White only. Dot the stippled cuff with Cool White. BOY STOCKING: Basecoat the stocking with Purple Rain. Using the no. 4 shader and the 3⁄8" angular brush, paint the toe Mustard Seed, shade the toe using Traditional Burnt
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52 The Decorative Painter
ISSUE NO. 3, 2016

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