Page 52 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2016
P. 52
Painter’s Checklist
3-D Wooden Christmas Tree with Candle Cups, 12" tall (30.5 cm)
Avocado Dip Boysenberry Pink Cinnamon Drop Cool White Dioxazine Purple Lamp(Ebony)Black Midnite Blue Mustard Seed Natural Buff
Pebble Plantation Pine Poodleskirt Pink
Purple Rain
Raw Sienna
Traditional Burnt Umber Turquoise Blue
Tuscan Red
VividViolet Wedgewood Blue Winter Blue
Yellow Light
Series R4150 nos. 0, 2, 4 & 6 shaders Series R4160 1⁄8", 1⁄4", 3⁄8" & 1⁄2" angulars Series R4200FB no. 20/0 fan
Series R4595 nos. 10/0 & 5/0 liners Series R4700 1⁄2" wash
Series R4730 1⁄4" comb
Series R9113 1⁄4", 5⁄16" & 3⁄8" dome stencil
Basic painting supplies (page 96) Fine sandpaper
Medium sea wool sponge
3mm flat-backed Swarovski crystals Glue
DecoArt Americana Satin Varnish DecoArt Glamour Dust
3D Christmas tree with candle cups #20-11176 and Tahoe snowflake stencil #52-0133 are available from Viking Woodcrafts; 1-800-328-0116;
50 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2016
Paint the mitts Avocado Dip, then shade with Plantation Pine. Tint with Yellow Light and then highlight with Cool White, using the no. 4 shader and the 1⁄4" angular. There is a slip-slap tint and a highlight method to this, layering the colors with the brush ef- fects adding to the appearance.
Using the no. 2 shader and the 1⁄8" and 1⁄4" angular brushes, paint the face Natural Buff, shaded first with Pebble behind the nose and along the forehead and deepened slightly with Raw Si- enna. Highlight the bridge of the nose with Cool White; tint the nose and cheeks with Boysenberry Pink.
Using the no. 10/0 liner, paint the eye Midnite Blue; dot with Turquoise Blue; dot the eye, nose and cheek with Cool White.
Using the no. 4 shader, loosely paint the hair and beard area with Zinc.
Using the dome stencils, begin stippling the fur for the hat, pompon, coat and sleeves with Pebble. Using the same method as for the snowman, begin stippling in Cool White as the high- light on the high areas of each section. Keep the stippling spotty so the Pebble still shows through. Allow to dry and highlight with more stippling using Cool White as needed.
The hair is finished by using the comb brush loaded with Cool White. Stroke the hair and beard into place first and then the mustache last. Be sure you’re getting those nice comb marks. Too much water or paint may hamper that look.
Use the 1⁄8" angular brush to stroke the mouth with Cinna- mon Drop. Tap the eyebrows into place using the no. 5/0 liner and Zinc, then Cool White. Using the 1⁄8" angular brush, shade the indents where the ball buttons will be with Pebble.
Dot the coat with Cool White.