Page 11 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
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  Chapter Snapshots
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by Madonna Williams
We call it Painting In the Garden, but it is really painting in Paradise! As a dual member of both Naples Decorative Artists (NDA) and Decorative Artists of Southwest Florida (DASF) chapters, Marlene Foster has opened her wonderfully landscaped and screened garden beneath her stilt home to our enthusiastic painters. She says it is all about making painting the most fun it can be.
The all-day painting breaks for lunch and chatter as the ladies gather upstairs to share in the best recipes of those who volunteer to bring a dish to share. Husband Doug does such an
artful job of decorating the tables as he reheats dishes and lays out the noontime banquet
that we have been known to garner our next painting project based right off the placemat design that graces the tables.
All projects are led by Suzanne Mikulka cda, our teacher who has a gift for making learning and painting so much fun. Hostess Marlene has been very successful in her goal of making painting absolutely the most fun
    it can be as we sit by the water, enjoy the warm tropical breezes, enjoy the camaraderie of our friends and hostess, and with the guidance of our talented teacher create our works of art. Painting is fun!
The Village Painters of Plymouth, Mich., sent eighty-six iris folded cards to Operation Write Home for our soldiers on foreign soil. These are beautiful blank cards for soldiers to use to write home to their loved ones. Twenty-five cards were hearts, twenty-five were flags, and thirty-six were a variety of designs. Almost every member of Village Painters made a card.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2014 9

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