Page 34 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 34
SKY: Dry-brush some of the same sky colors in, using either a no. 6 scumbler brush (a dome bristle brush) or a flat bristle brush. Load the brush with paint and wipe it off on a towel. Paint this on your canvas using a circular motion, darkening the dark colors and brightening the lighter areas.
WATER: Rebase with Payne’s Grey. While this is wet, apply Williamsburg Blue using the chisel edge of your brush and applying the paint from side to side.
SNOW: Using the no. 8 shader, add Snow (Titanium) White to the land, being careful to leave the darker colors still showing through.
LIGHTHOUSE: Add Snow (Titanium) White to the tower and roof. Again, thin the paint down slightly with water and paint it on using short, choppy strokes to achieve a stucco look. Keep this mostly to the left side. Let dry. Add thinned Wisteria to the right side, again using short, choppy strokes. Add Burnt Sienna to the right side of the light.
WATER: Add Snow (Titanium) White to the water.
LIGHTHOUSE: Add thinned Payne’s Grey to the right side of the tower. Dry. Add more Snow (Titanium) White to the left side of the tower and the roof. Add little icicles off the roof with Snow (Titanium) White. Shade the house behind the tower with Raw Umber and the smaller house in front of the tower with Burnt Sienna. Highlight the right sides with Cadmium Yellow. Add more Snow (Titanium) White to the snow, then add some Cadmium Yellow to it in areas.
Paint the windows with Banana Cream and shade on the right side with Raw Si- enna. Paint the shutters and panes with Payne’s Grey. Add the band around the light and railing with Payne’s Grey. Add some Snow (Titanium) White to the railings to highlight. Add a little Cadmium Yellow here and there on the roofs and tower. Dry- brush Cadmium Yellow to the left of the light in the sky.
TREE AND SHRUBS: Using a small round, paint the tree with Asphaltum. While this is wet, add Snow (Titanium) White to the trunk and limbs. Using a flat brush, slip- slap the shrubs on using Black Green. Let dry and repeat. While this is wet, add Snow
(Titanium) White to your dirty brush (to make a medium-value green) and start to highlight the shrubs, still using the slip-slap motion. Wipe the brush, add more Snow (Titanium) White and a little Cadmium Yellow, and reinforce the highlights. You can
tape off the area around the shrub to make it easier to paint.
Allow the project to dry thoroughly. Apply varnish to the top and sides of the canvas. Sign and frame!
artist’s sketch
Rebecca Trimble has been painting
most her life. She runs a successful busi-
ness painting custom wall murals and
hand-painted furniture. She took her first
decorative arts painting class when she
was pregnant with her fourth child (be-
cause she was no longer able to stand on ladders to paint mu- rals!). She was instantly hooked. Now she publishes her designs and teaches at national conventions. She recently moved to St. Augustine, Fla. Visit her website at