Page 46 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 46
Wash and rinse glasses in warm, soapy water, and then allow them to dry completely. Wipe down the area that is to be painted with rubbing alcohol (or a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water) using a lint-free paper towel. After you have done this, do not touch the area with your fingers.
Apply the pattern to paper, and then affix it with tape to the inside of the glass. To keep it from moving around, stuff the glass with a paper towel.
As you work, try to make as few strokes as possible. Study the finished pic- ture of each flower before you begin painting it, and refer to it often as you work. I used the no. 5 round for most of this project, but if this is too large for your taste the no. 3 also works well.
PETALS: Paint the petals with a series of five straight comma-strokes Purple on the No. 5 round. Reload the brush for each stroke.
SEEDS: The three seeds in the center are Yellow, applied with the tip of a liner brush or a toothpick.
STEMS: All leaves and flowers have stems. Use the liner brush loaded with slightly thinned Pine Green to create the stems, pulling them toward you as you work. Slightly curved stems appear more graceful than straight ones, but vary- ing them is ideal.
LEAVES: Apply the leaves with Pine Green on the no. 5 round. Each leaf con- sists of two strokes. Using the liner brush, outline the leaves and apply their veins with thinned White.
RIBBON: First load the no. 5 round with Purple, and then tip it in White. Create the ribbon, then add the ends of the stems extending through and below the ribbon.
FLOWER: Load the no. 3 or no. 5 round with Purple, and then tip it in White. The flower consists of numerous small buds, which increase in quantity as you work downward. Begin by placing one small dot signifying the top bud, and then con- tinue down. The other delphiniums are created in the same manner, using Red Purple and Bright Blue (both tipped in White). Notice that some of the flowers are straight and some are leaning.
GRASS: Using the round brush loaded with Yellow+Pine Green (1:1), tap in a layer of grass across the base of the delphiniums. Use the same color mix on the liner brush to apply the strokes of grass between the flowers.
BODY: You’ll create the center bowl of the flower first. The bowl consists of a circle that is approximately the size of a quarter. The center of the bowl is merely a curved line near the top of the bowl (see Step 1 on page 43 for the bowl and center).
PETALS: With the no. 5 round and Red Purple tipped in White, create petals, referring to Step 2 on page 43. Now, using the same colors and brush, apply pet-
44 The Decorative Painter