Page 59 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 59
STEP 29: With a dry brush, blend the leaves and tril- lium petals with the growth direction.
STEP 30: Highlight leaves with the light leaf value+more Titanium White. Add the center of the trillium with the vio- let mix. Highlight the trillium petals with Titanium White.
STEP 31: Blend leaves with the growth direction.
Add the final center vein structure with a light-value green mix. Do a final blending on the trillium petals and sepals, and add the violet accents on each petal. Detail the trillium center with small stamens of Tita- nium White+Raw Sienna, applied with the no. 0 round brush. For foreground interest, add a few loosely applied grasses, using slightly thinned light leaf values with the chisel edge of the no. 4 bright.
Final Finish for Oil Paintings
Before painting is dry, clean up any paint smudges or messy edges on background.
Then let the piece dry for a week or two if you used cobalt siccative in the paint (a month if you did not). When dry to the touch, clean up any re- maining graphite lines with thinner. Wipe piece with damp cloth to remove any dust or thinner haze, especially if piece is painted on a dark back- ground. Let dry thoroughly.
When painting is dry and clean, spray first with Krylon no. 7002 Spray Varnish. Let dry. This ini- tial spray coat helps eliminate streaks and even out the finish if you plan on additional coats. You may apply second coat if desired. Read instructions on the can carefully about recoating within an hour or after twenty-four hours has passed.
The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 1, 2015 57