Page 58 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 58

   STEP 24: Blend between the leaf values with the growth direction, using a no. 4 or 6 bright, depending on the
size of the leaves. Add stronger highlight values of the light leaf mix+more Titanium White. Finalize the flower blends. Add an accent of Alizarin Crimson+French Ultra- marine (a violet mix). Fill in the center of the flower with the same violet mix.
STEP 26: “Scruff in” dry Raw Umber using a worn no. 4 or 6 bright, basing horizontally to create foreground inter- est and shadows underneath the trillium and fox. This dark will help soften the junction of the fox feet and fur. Add a little dirty brush+Titanium White for foreground detail.
STEP 25: Blend to soften the leaf highlights. Add center veining with light leaf values using the no. 4 bright. Soften the violet accents in the trillium petals. Add Titanium White+Raw Sienna detail in the flower center with the no. 0 round brush.
STEP 27: Blend the foreground paint with a Viva paper towel or pad of cheesecloth, again working horizontally, to soften it into the background. Clean out any paint intru- sions into leaves or stems with thinner on a no. 8 brush, to define the design once again.
STEP 28: Base the dark values in the remaining trillium leaves with Ivory Black+Sap Green. Break the leaf edges for easier value creations. Fill in the light values of leaves with Sap Green+Raw Sienna+tch Titanium White. Use the same green mixes for the stems, with the dark value to the outside and the light value down the center of the stems. Add dark values for the trillium petals and sepals with the mixes used on previous flowers. Base the rest of the petals with Titanium White+Raw Sienna.
   56 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 1, 2015

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