Page 65 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 65
of Burnt Umber on the shoulder. Add a mottled wash of Yellow Ochre to the tummy.
STEP 3: Paint the legs with dashes and dots of Buttermilk Bittersweet Chocolate, and Burnt Umber, then add some small dashes of Snow (Titanium) White to highlight. The cheek is thinned Snow (Titanium) White feathered away from the head using a liner; be sure to include the feathers around the beak and off the shoulder on the back. Detail the wings and tail with Burnt Umber, Bittersweet Choco- late, and small, thin C-strokes of Snow (Titanium) White. Keep paints very thin for the feather lines. Add another wash of True Ochre around the outer edge of the center of the belly. Add some Snow (Titanium) White in the center of the belly and shade out to the sides to create a high- light. Float the shoulder with a wash of Burnt Umber; add a few strokes of Burnt Umber when dry. Load the 3⁄8" angle
brush with Burnt Umber and shade under the bottom near the legs. Shade the back side and under the chin with Des- ert Sand. Float a very thin outer line on the belly. Using the no. 10/0 liner loaded with thinned Buttermilk, Yellow Ochre, and Burnt Umber, add feather strokes starting at the back side and working up to the chin; at this same point add a dash of Buttermilk. Using Snow (Titanium) White add the dot in the eye. Add some Lamp (Ebony) Black feathers over the belly at the chin, and add some Snow (Ti- tanium) White at the cheek. Add the beak dash and small dot with thinned Snow (Titanium) White.
When dry, apply two coats of DuraClear Satin Varnish.
artist’s sketch
Elaine Law cda has been painting some thirty years and has degrees in graphic art, interior design, and fine art. She travel-teaches throughout the United States and Canada at conventions and chapters. Elaine owns Folk Heart Country where she offers classes. She has written several books and pattern packs. She joined SDP in 1988 and became a Certified Decorative Artist in 2000. You may write to Elaine at 384 Washington Rd., Fort Erie, ON, L2A 4K4, Canada; call (905) 994-1024; or email her at
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2015 63