Page 76 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 76
Rinse your sponge, then repeat the sponging process with Indian Turquoise+tch White Wash in a small- er area. Rinse the sponge, then repeat the sponging process with Glorious Gold here and there over the forg- ing. Again, smoothen the coverage using the opposite (clean) side of the sponge. Let dry, then varnish the sur- face with DecoArt Americana Acrylic Gloss Sealer/Finisher.
On the exterior border (under- neath the forging and surrounding the main design), apply two layers of True Ochre, letting dry between each layer. Thin Raw Sienna and Burnt Sienna with water. Use a damp sea sponge to tap on the colors, mixing the two as you apply them. In the center of the painting (the location of the main design), apply two layers of Cadmium Yellow Hue+Buttermilk (1:1). Let dry.
Trace the design, then transfer it with dark transfer paper.
Paint the background using a dry-brush technique and the following colors: Moon Yellow, True Ochre, Antique Gold, Raw Sienna, Pumpkin, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, and Soft Black. Alternate between a round brush, first us- ing the soft bristle brush, and then brush with a round hard bristle brush.
a smaller area. Integrate the two tones. Add Burnt Sienna to the shaded areas. Let dry. With the no. 10/0 liner, tap in the spots with Burnt Sienna thinned to an ink consistency. Let dry.
Add the center strip of the vase with Moon Yellow. Shade with True Ochre and highlight with Buttermilk. Create the illuminated area with White Wash.
Paint the mouth of the vase and its interior with Moon Yellow. In the left area, use Moon Yellow thinned with wa- ter, and in the right area use Burnt Sienna thinned with water. Paint the perimeter of the vase with watery Burnt Sienna using the no. 10/0 liner. Shade with Burnt Umber.
Apply Moon Yellow to the handles. Shade them by trac- ing with Burnt Umber. Highlight with Buttermilk.
Basecoat the top part of the crock with Plantation Pine and the border of the mouth with Yellow Green. Basecoat the bottom of the crock with Antique Gold.
To achieve a clay-like appearance in the top part of the crock, make horizontal brushstrokes using Hauser Dark Green for the shaded areas and Viridian Green for the
For the vase, use a scumbling technique; work wet-in- to-wet using the no. 6 round to make circular and rotating movements. Apply Cadmium Yellow Hue with Buttermilk in a rotating manner. Add Moon Yellow to the light areas. Integrate the colors. Let dry. Repeat the paint application.
Apply Cadmium Yellow Hue and Buttermilk again, and add True Ochre in a smaller area. Again, integrate these two tones. Let dry. Now apply True Ochre and Pumpkin in
74 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2015