Page 45 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2015
P. 45

 de XXX - Highlight
 ed light • • • - Accent
   ////// - Sha
▲ ▲ - Reflect
STEP 1: Double-load the no. 6 flat by fully loading it with Jade Green and then loading half of the brush with Light Avocado. Work the paint back and forth on the palette to achieve a gradation of color. Keep the light side of the brush to the outside and wiggle the brush to form the wavy edge. The tip of the leaf is rounded, like a pansy leaf.
STEP 2: Double-load the no. 8 flat with Jade Green and Light Avocado. Blend the paint on the palette. Paint the oth- er half of the leaf, keeping the light part of the leaf toward the inside.
STEP 3:Sideload the no. 8 flat with Light Avocado and shade above the curve of the vein line.
STEP 4: Highlight the leaf with Taffy Cream using a no. 6 scumbling brush.
STEP 5: Using a no. 5/0 liner, paint each leaf vein with Light Avocado and a bit of Taffy Cream slightly above. STEP 6: Sideload the no. 8 flat with Calypso Orange and apply an accent (see Value Map B). Repeat the steps for each leaf.
Repeat the same petal process to create Petal B until the color of the petal becomes opaque.
STEP 4: Paint Petal C following the instructions for Petal B. STEP 5: Sideload a brush with Dark Goldenrod and shade the tucks into Petal A. Sideload a brush with Calypso Or- ange and shade the tucks into Petal B. Now sideload with Dark Goldenrod and apply narrow and strong shading to the tucks.
STEP 6: Highlight some of the outside edges of the petals with a sideloaded float of Taffy Cream.
STEP 7: Using the no. 5/0 liner, pull detail lines into the petals with Dark Goldenrod.
Using the no. 5/0 liner, apply small comma-strokes to the center of each pansy with Jade Green.
STEP 8: Outline the edge of each petal with Taffy Cream highlights. Using the no. 5/0 liner, paint the flipped petal edges with a comma-stroke of Titanium White.
STEP 1: For the lower bud, basecoat using the same color as Petal B.
STEP 2: For the upper bud, basecoat using the same color as Petal A.
STEP 3: Sideload the brush with Dark Goldenrod and shade the lower part of the petal.
STEP 1: Using a no. 5/0 liner, paint the stems with a thin line of Jade Green+tch Light Avocado.
STEP 2: Highlight the center of the stem with Taffy Cream. STEP 3:Sideload the no. 8 flat with Light Avocado and shade where a leaf passes under a flower.
STEP 1: Double-load the no. 8 flat by fully loading it with Dark Goldenrod and then loading half of the brush with Calypso Orange. Work the paint back and forth on the pal- ette to achieve a gradation of color. Start with the left part of Petal A. Keeping the Dark Goldenrod side of the brush to the inside, wiggle out and in with the outer edge form- ing a fan shape. Repeat this step until the color of the petal becomes opaque.
STEP 2: Repeat the same process, painting the right part of Petal A.
STEP 3: Double-load the no. 8 flat with Calypso Orange and then Dark Goldenrod. Blend the paint on the palette.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 2, 2015 43

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