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I Love to Paint Landscapes
is the newest book from art instructor Susan Scheewe Brown.
It features barnscapes, snow scenes, lakes, ponds, waterfalls, meadows, woodlands, mountain scenes and a deer. #606 Acrylic/ Watercolor/Pen & Ink Wash $13.95
Scheewe Publications 800-796-1953
Linnie Blooms’ versatile Canvas Treat Bag is an inexpensive way to make a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. The bag is already sewn together.
Linnie Blooms 262-510-9909
Scottie’s Guide to Bauernmalerei Book 4 is a reference book for Bavarian Folk Art. It features 41 different projects for all
painting levels. A lengthy section on Bavarian Painting Techniques for beginners and teachers features a discussion of Kleistermalerei and Antiquing Techniques. Scottie’s Bavarian Folk Art
“Painting is Snow-Much Fun,”
the Heart of Ohio Tole Chapter’s
35th Annual Convention, will be held August 3-8, 2015. Visit our website for the Convention Catalog and information on special events by Jamie Mills-Price, David Bailey, Willow Wolfe and Ros Stallcup.
Heart of Ohio Tole Chapter 614-863-1785 •
The latest design packets from your favorite artists are here, painted on on one-of-a-kind wood surfaces. “A Single Poppy” by Mary Wiseman, is painted using DecoArt Americana acrylics. Pattern Packet #PTWM131, $10, Wood Basket #WD4911, $17.75
Hofcraft • 800-828-0359
This decorative serving tray has a reversible center insert. Extra inserts are also available. (Tray #0982; Extra Inserts #0981; Pattern Packet by Mary Svenson #PPMS01.
JB Wood Products • 508- 226-3217
Create a family keepsake with our unique musical pieces – 12 different ones created by Yvonne Kresal, Pumpkin Ridge Designs, including selections for Halloween, Christmas, a new baby, farm, spring and winter.
Smooth Cut Wood • 888-982-9663
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DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 2, 2015 89