Page 95 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2015
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 The SDP Jewel Program offers a giving opportunity for members and
chapters that acknowledges them for helping SDP stay strong.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all of the members who have
contributed to the Society this year, including those who added a donation to their membership form, those who became Jewels, those
Meet Our Jewels for 2014
who remembered SDP in their Jo Sonja Jansen MDA
Pam Bradley
Kathy Brown
Jan Burnett MDA
Connecticut Society of Decorative Painters
Sharon Davis Gayle Dimery Shirley Dreyer Arlene Eller Elizabeth Fanus Hatsie Forsman Mary Fortado Scottie Foster -
Scottie’s, Bavarian Folk Art
Deborah Harrop
Linda Hatfield
Heart of Michigan Decorative Artists
Michele Heiser
Betsy Ann Hill
Paula James
Helen Jeglic
Billie Johnson
Virginia Kelly
Kentuckiana Decorative Artists
Eileen Lacerte
Leah Luper
Claudette Mahar
Jeanie Miller
Billie Morrow
Joalyn Mushin
Old Dominion Decorative Artists
Suzanne Olson
Ozark Palettes
Hilary Richards
Melanie Schroder
Trish Shaw
Bernice Short
Judy Snyder
Sooner Decorative Artists
Wiregrass Decorative Painters Lisa Ludgwig
Judith Hamill
Kathy Anthony
Janice Baier
Nancy Bellmore
Annette Brooks
Pat Brown
Central Oklahoma Society of Tole and Decorative Painters
Joyce Cohill
Linda Conine
Theresa De Shon
Catherine Donahoe
Joann Donweck
Cathy Fell
Wilma Fielding
Ethel Frey
Donna Gagnon
Barbara Gowen-Lay
Greater New Orleans Chapter
Tina Greenfield
Barbara Hanson
Deborah Hutchins
Cherie Jackson
Marilyn Jelliff
Geraldine Jones
Janet Joseph
Stefanie Kaufhold
Carolyn Kinney CDA
Julene Knapp
Patricia Lamb CDA
Richard Lamley- Saral Paper Corp
Ann Lankford
Elizabeth Lapp
Crystal Lew
Kathleen Lewis
Magnolia Chapter of SDP
Judy A. Martin
Barbara Mayer
Patricia Meier
Marilyn Michel
Northland Decorative Painters
Omaha Guild of Decorative Artists
Prairie Flower Decorative Painters
Janice Pritchert Margaret A. Puyear Redwood Decorative Artists Elda Lee Releford Shelley Riedlinger Jimmye B Smith Patricia Spooner Jolene Stephens
Sue Struckhoff
Sally Suhoza, Sally's Art Design Barbara Thompson Carole Tobias
Village Painters Wendy Willihnganz Mary Wolff
Pat Clark
Carolyn Kronmeister Karen Rindler
Janice Diamond Masayo Kunioka CDA Sandra Miller
Tina Norris CDA, TDA Naomi Shimanuki CDA, DACA Nancy Mallein
Marie Presson
Our Members are Jewels!
These individual members, business
members, SDP chapters, and
organizations have generously given
to the SDP Jewel Program.
estates, and everyone who contributed a gift in
Hidemi Katsukura Susan Markarian
any way.
$1,000+ Alamo Decorative Artists Maxine Wallisch
Naples Decorative Artists Vivian Ann Casey Fogg
Grapevine Tolers
White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild
Charleston Chapter of Decorative Painters
Heart of Pinellas Decorative Artists
Windy Brushes of Northern Illinois
Doris Akers
Sandra Childs
Julie A. Cloud
Decorative Artists of Southwest Florida
Decorative Artists of Texas
Naomi Demayo
Gateway Decorative Artists
Gypsy Tolers
Heart of Ohio Tole, Inc
Judi Henshaw
Idaho Chapter of Heritage Artists
Rosella Ikerd
Alice Merritt
Mid South Decorative Artists
Susan Monaha - Masterson Art Products, Inc
New Jersey Goldfinch Chapter
Northern California Decorative Artists
Patricia Raygor Arlene Rounce
South Side Brushes Organization
Johanne Stogran
Tole Painters of the Western Reserve
Tucson Decorative Painters Guild
Tulsa Town Tolers
Joyce H. Udell
Bluebonnet Tole & Decorative Painters Chapter
Penn’s Woods Painters
Barry Ann Friedman
Bonnie Koop
Misty Witt
Yellow Rose Chapter
Pocono Painters
Mary Channell
Decorative Artists of Jacksonville
Alice Gooding
Lehigh Valley Decorative Painters
Keystone State Decorative Painters
Mutsuko Asoh DACA
Geraldine Ballard
Judith Barth
Kathleen Borden
Teresa Todd
Maryanne Long
We are so grateful for their support!
Visit to learn about the Jewel Program.
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