Page 31 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
P. 31

                                                                 brush and Hauser Medium Green, tap on delicate ferns leaving plenty of background showing between fronds. Then paint a vein down the center using the mini liner brush and the same color. Between the medium green fronds, paint Hauser Dark Green fronds the same way to fill in. TIP: Tap each frond out from the center vein to form longer fronds in a V-pattern. Last, add Hauser Light Green highlight fronds to each fern the same way. Also paint finer center and side veins with light green using the mini liner brush.
STEP 6: FILLER LEAVES & MOSS – Transfer on the filler leaves mixed in with the ferns using white graphite and the stylus. Paint the leaves and stems Hauser Light Green using the liner brush and tip of the no. 3 round brush. Add Hauser Dark Green outlines and center veins with the mini liner brush.
Moss is painted between the foreground roots on the “dirt” areas as previously instructed in Stage Six: Bark, Step 2. Also add moss to the tree stump, broken branch and foreground rocks the same way.
STEP 7: Transfer the foreground tree leaves using gray graphite in the light areas and white graphite in the dark using the stylus as shown on pattern 2 on page 30. Start painting in the lower left area (the lighter leaves) using Hauser Light Green and the tip of the no. 3 round brush. NOTE: These are the leaves against the background trees. Outline and vein the light leaves using the mini liner brush and Hauser Dark Green. Next fill in the dark leaves shown with cross lines on pattern 2 on page 30 using dark green the same way.
Move above this completed area to finish the leaves lo- cated against the sky painting a few Hauser Medium Green and the rest Hauser Light Green the same way. Also, detail with Hauser Dark Green using the mini liner. Where the leaves on the right side are against the background trees, repeat the colors as previously instructed adding a few dark green as shown on pattern 2 on page 30.
STEP 8: To complete all the elements in Stage 8, Black Plum glazing is necessary to provide depth and dimen- sion to the scene. Start by adding the glaze to all the roots using the no. 5 round brush; this will soften and darken them to a more desirable effect. Although this is a foreground area, it should not be too pronounced. NOTE: the three large trees are the focus, not what is be- low them. Next glaze the stump, broken branch and the rocks in front of them the same way. While still wet, wipe off a few highlights using a clean, dampened no. 3 round brush. NOTE: The entire bottom portion of the scene should be darker and less interesting.
The rest of the rocks are glazed the same way, lift- ing off highlights. Add a shadow under the water rocks allowing the glaze to darken the water. Do the same for the ferns and leaves under the trees, wiping off highlights the same way.
Add brighter highlights to the center veins of the ferns using the mini liner brush and Hauser Light Green+Cadmium Yellow 1:1. Now do the same to the left edge and center vein of the fill-in leaves mixed with the ferns. Using one corner of the trident brush, re-highlight the top of the moss located between the rocks and tree stump, on top of the larger rocks and between the large roots the same way.
Look at the completed painting. Where does your eye first draw you? TIP: All areas that have the brightest color should dominate while all the dark areas enhance them. Notice how the bright and dark areas create dimension and form. Also the light source remains constant. This is what is called “the center of interest” – it contains the most lights, darks and details.
It is perfectly acceptable to place your painting under glass when framed. Or use several coats of DecoArt Dura- Clear Matte Varnish applied with the 1" wash brush.
 artist’s sketch
     Sharon Buononato cda has been a member of SDP since 1981 and a decorative painting teacher since 1980. Sharon took her CDA certification in 1987. She is sole proprietor of Sharon B’s Originals brushes, a line of original publications and products, and a founding member of the Hudson Valley Tole and Decorative Painters. She has twice served as president of this chapter, and first vice president. Sharon’s designs are seen frequently in national painting publications, she has authored seven books, and has produced two videos of her work. If you would like to contact Sharon email, visit her website at or call (845) 266-5678.
The Decorative Painter • SPRING 2018 29

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