Page 30 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
P. 30
Green to the centers the same way. Then add a bit of Haus- er Light Green to look like moss.
STEP 3: Paint additional detail using a squiggle stroke around the knots and between the moss splotches, as well as the tops of branches, using the mini liner brush and Yellow Ochre. This color stays on the left and cen- ter areas; do not add any yellow to the darker right side. Now use a no. 3 round brush to paint a thin wash of Raw Umber to the right of the trunk and branches to darken. TIP: A squiggle stroke is created by quickly moving the tip of the liner brush in all directions.
STEP 4: Following the above techniques, shade the middle tree using Raw Umber with Burnt Sienna added as tints, then highlight using Yellow Ochre. The moss is painted the same way as Step 2 instructions, as well as the detailing in Step 3. The left tree is also painted the same way using Raw Sienna with Burnt Sienna tints and smaller tints of Raw Umber around the knots and roots. The Yel- low Ochre highlights stay mostly on the left side of the trunk with touches in the center area. Moss and detailing is also the same.
STEP 5: After all three trees are complete it is time to refine, creating further dimension. Using the mini liner brush, add Pale Yellow Mix to the Yellow Ochre areas with a squiggle stroke staying mainly on the left edge. While still wet, quick- ly drag across the trunks horizontally using the chisel end of the trident brush. Now add darker details along the right side and edge the same way using Black Plum.
This is an opportunity to highlight and darken the knots and between roots as well. Black Plum can be added to the edges of the branches to define crossover sections. Notice the tree on the right has fewer highlights added, keeping them only in the lower area of the trunk. Remem- ber to be more delicate adding additional highlights and shadows to the smaller tree on the left. The center tree has the most details because it is in front and the largest.
STEP 1: After drying the surface, paint a wash of Burnt Sienna over everything completed from the horizon line down. This application should not cover the previous col- ors but just dull and warm the entire area.
STEP 2: Now wash over the trees from the horizon line up the same way. To make sure that none of the Burnt Si- enna wash gets on the sky, apply clean water with a clean 1" flat brush to this area. This will make it easier to wipe off any wash before it dries. Again, this will dull and warm the trees.
STEP 3: The next glazed area is the shadows under the foreground trees painted the same way using a wash of Black Plum. Start on the right side under the large back- ground tree previously painted. Drag the wash up to the base of the right foreground tree, skip the middle tree, continuing under the left foreground tree. NOTE: This is a diagonal shadow representing the light source.
Using the same color wash and the #no. 5 round brush, glaze the right side of each trunk as well as the shaded side of the branches. This shadow will make the trees look more rounded and dimensional.
STEP 4: The final glaze is a mix of Cadmium Yellow+Raw Sienna (1:1 = gold) washed on the left side of the trunks and opposite side of the branches using the no. 5 round brush. Look at the painting; are the glazes dark enough? If not, dry and repeat to strengthen.
STEP 1: Transfer on and fill in the tree stump, roots and rocks using the round brushes and Pale Yellow Mix. Paint a few shadows at the base of each using the tip of the no. 3 round brush with the Cadmium Yellow+Raw Sienna (1:1) mix as indicated on pattern 2 on page 30.
STEP 2: A tree stump and broken branch are located on the edge of the pond in the left foreground corner. Paint them the same as the large tree on the left following the directions in Stage Six: Bark. Now do the same for the four large roots located on the right foreground. Under the large roots are smaller vertical roots. Simply outline these with Raw Umber using the mini liner brush, than paint the small roots Raw Sienna and fill in the remaining negative space Raw Umber using the no. 3 round brush. Now wash over all roots to darken using Burnt Sienna the same way. STEP 3: ROCKS – Outline and detail the rocks with Raw Umber and the mini liner brush. Now apply a thin wash as shadows under each rock using the no. 3 round brush. Wash each rock and quickly wipe off a highlight the same way. TIP: The bigger rocks have more shading and fewer highlights.
STEP 4: POND – Paint a few ripples to the left of the rocks touching the water using the no. 3 round brush with Pale Yellow Mix as indicated on pattern 2 on page 30. Wash over the ripples with thinned Blue Mist the same way, pulling into the water using horizontal strokes. Paint a few strokes under the three rocks in the water (next to the tree stump) the same way.
STEP 5: FERNS – Transfer on the fern pattern using white graphite and the stylus. Using one side of the trident
28 The Decorative Painter • SPRING 2018