Page 36 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
P. 36

STEP 1: Large center flower is done by basecoating the outward circle of petals with Veiling. When dry, dampen and apply first shadow with equal amounts of Raw Sienna+ Permanent Alizarin Crimson to the front row of petals. The back half of the petals are done with just Permanent Alizarin Crimson. When dry, repeat these two shadow- ing colors.
STEP 2: Apply second row of petals using the Veiling. When dry, apply a coat of Veiling+Permanent Alizarin Crimson across the second back row of petals. Basecoat with Veiling for center.
STEP 3: When dry, dampen and apply a mix of equal amounts of Raw Sienna+Permanent Alizarin Crimson. Pull the shadow from the stem toward the tip of the petals on the top row of skirt.
Dampen and wipe. Apply Hansa Yellow Medium in the center.
STEP 4: Shade in the center with a brush-mix of Raw Sienna+Permanent Alizarin Crimson as well as against the back row of petals that touch the center. Apply Veiling to the front row of the bowl petals.
STEP 5: When dry, dampen and apply tint of Veil- ing and a touch of Hansa Yellow Medium (a soft butter color) to the front bowl petals and top skirt petals. Dampen and apply Medium Grey across the tips of the outer row of petals.
STEP 6: Linework is water, Medium Grey, and Tita- nium White for details. Linework where bowl and skirt meet is equal amounts of Permanent Alizarin Crimson+ Raw Sienna.
STEP 1: Basecoat the daffodil skirt and top back pet- als with Veiling. When dry, dampen and apply Naphthol Red Light to the backside of the trumpet area. Shade the daffodil skirt with Pine Green and Prussian Blue. Let dry. STEP 2: Dampen and apply shade of a brush-mix of Per- manent Alizarin Crimson+Pine Green (1:tch) starting at bottom of the trumpet area and pulled up. Front petals of trumpet are Veiling. Skirt is Hansa Yellow Medium. Let dry. STEP 3: To shade the front of the trumpet, dampen and apply Naphthol Red Light. Let dry.
STEP 4: Dampen, wipe and apply shading using Perma- nent Alizarin Crimson+Pine Green (1:tch) on the trumpet. The light is Veiling with linework of Titanium White.
STEP 1: Basecoat the petal Blossoms with Medium Grey. Let dry.
STEP 2: Dampen and apply a brush mix of Prussian Blue+Raw Sienna (1:tch) for the shadow. Add more Raw Sienna for the lighter petals.
STEP 3: Highlight on a few petals of the upper flower with Veiling, pulling out from the center. Dot the center with Hansa Yellow Medium.
STEP 1: Basecoat the back row with Veiling. Let dry. STEP 2: Dampen and apply Permanent Alizarin Crimson over the Veiling petals. Add Veiling to the dirty brush and apply the front row petals. Let dry.
STEP 3: Dampen and apply Titanium White+Medium Grey (1:tch) and color near the stems. Stamen dot is Raw Sienna.
The calyx is done with the round brush filled with Pine Green and Raw Sienna and stroked into place.
Buds are first Veiling and then color of choice. I used Hansa Yellow Medium and Naphthol Red Light with a shade of Permanent Alizarin Crimson.
Leaves and flowers can be glazed if desired. Use Hansa Yellow Medium, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, or Prus- sian Blue. I used about 70% DecoArt Americana Glazing Medium and 30% color. I have also included an optional stroked border.
Sponge Champagne Gold and Venetian Gold on edges for a faux finish. Remove any pattern lines before varnish- ing. Use a Black Magic Rub Eraser to remove remaining pattern lines on the dark background.
 artist’s sketch
      Sandy Aubuchon cda has been a member of the Society of Decorative Painters since 1974 and has been teaching for more than 40 years. She has taught at the Society of Decorative Painters Con- vention, Creative Painting in Las Vegas, Heart of Ohio Tole in Columbus, and has contributed ar- ticles to many painting magazines. She has taught at more than 100 SDP chapters. Royal Brush and DecoArt are sponsors for Sandy to travel-teach at SDP Chapters and seminars. She teaches 12 to 15 semi- nars a year and still enjoys them just as much today as she did 40 years ago. Over the years she has published 45 books and 36 videos and DVDs. Decorative painting has allowed her to travel the world, teach- ing in 27 countries and most of the 50 states.
    34 The Decorative Painter • SPRING 2018

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