Page 42 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
P. 42

                                                                                                                             BLUE SEEDPODS: Basecoat with Blue Mix. Apply large dots using Pale Blue Mix. Paint small Prussian Blue Hue C-strokes underneath the smaller dots.
Center: Basecoat with Raw Sienna. Shading is Brown Earth and highlight is Turners Yellow.
BLUE ROUND FLOWER: Basecoat the doughnut shape with Blue Mix. Use Prussian Blue Hue for shading and highlight with Pale Blue Mix. Dots around the center are Pale Blue Mix at the bottom half. Add a little Warm White to the mix for the dots around the top half.
Center: Basecoat with Raw Sienna, shade with Brown Earth and highlight with Turners Yellow.
STEMS AND LEAVES: Basecoat the stems and leaves with Green Mix. Shade with Brown Earth. Add a little Warm White to the Green Mix for highlights.
For the marble effect, prepare a mix of Jo Sonja’s Clear Glaze Medium+Brown Earth. Use the no. 3 round brush to blob this on the outside edge. Paint veins and uneven commas and dots with Pale Orange Mix.
ROUND ORANGE FLOWER: Basecoat the doughnut shape with Dark Orange Mix. Use Brown Earth for shad- ing and highlight with Norwegian Orange. Add tiny high- light commas at the top with Pale Orange Mix.
Center: Basecoat with Raw Sienna, shade with Brown Earth and highlight with Turners Yellow. Dots around the center are Norwegian Orange for the bottom half and Pale
Orange Mix for the top half.
YELLOW SEEDPODS: Basecoat with Raw Sienna. Large dots are Turners Yellow. Paint small Brown Earth C-strokes underneath the smaller dots.
Center: Basecoat with Dark Orange Mix. Shading is Brown Earth and highlight is Norwegian Orange.
BLUE SEEDPODS: Basecoat with Blue Mix. Large dots are Pale Blue Mix. Paint small C-strokes underneath the smaller dots with Prussian Blue Hue.
Center: Basecoat with Raw Sienna, shade with Brown Earth and highlight with Turners Yellow.
TULIPS: Basecoat with Dark Orange Mix. Shading is Brown Earth and highlight is Norwegian Orange. Final highlight is Pale Orange Mix.
STEMS AND LEAVES: Basecoat the stems and leaves with Pine Green. Add extra fine leaves with Raw Sienna. Highlight is Jade.
Basecoat the border around the green center with Rich Gold. Pick up a small amount of this color on your index finger to rub on the narrow edge of the tray and inside the handles.
Paint a thin line with Pale Orange Mix along the top of the inside.
Allow to dry for at least 48 hours. Erase any visible transfer lines and apply three coats of Jo Sonja’s Satin Var- nish, following manufacturer’s instructions.
 artist’s sketch
     A member of SDP since 1991, Heleen Van der Haar has been involved in decorative painting for about 40 years. Born in the Netherlands, she migrated to Australia 31 years ago and co-founded The Society of Folk and Decorative Artists of Victoria. She is a member of Chroma’s Teacher Support Program and is an accredit- ed teacher of Enid Hoessinger’s multi-loading technique. Heleen has taught at two SDP conferences and now mostly teaches from her home studio. She has published many articles, various pattern packs and a book “Hin- deloopen Decorative Painting.” You may email Heleen at or go to her website at
     Timeless Art Designs
Packets include paint list, line drawing, general instructions, and colored picture.
1. “Old Lace and Lilacs” for tabletop or lazy Susan, $7.00
2. “Early Princesses” wall mural with Cinderella, Castle, garden path, plant trellis, Snow White, and Seven Dwarf’s cottage.
Adjust mural length from 9 to 12 feet long. Mural height about 4 ft. $30.00
                                             40 The Decorative Painter
• SPRING 2018
Place orders: or at (978)688-1054

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