Page 134 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 134
Clean the ornaments with a small amount of soap and water, and then allow it to dry thoroughly. Wash all oil and lotion from your hands before handling the or- naments, as this will allow the colored pencil to adhere more uniformly to the surface.
Transfer the patterns of the elements you have cho- sen onto tracing paper, and very lightly transfer them to the matte ball.
Place the ornament on a cup with an approximately 3" (7.6cm) mouth. With a pencil, lightly trace the three circles that will later become the heart-shaped leaf bor- ders. This specific ornament has three of these borders: one on the right half of the ornament, one on the left half, and an off-center one that dissects both of the others.
Now apply the leaf border pattern using the circles as a guide.
Fill in the empty spaces between the leaf borders with the medallions and filler designs.
The leaf borders on the right and left sides are light greens.
STEP 1: Begin by highlighting the leaves with Lemon Yel- low. Add a few small highlights of Orange (see example for placement on page 131).
STEP 2: Shade with Grass Green.
STEP3: LightlyapplyalayerofChartreuseovertheentire border, and lightly burnish with a finger.
STEP 4: Finish by darkening various areas with Grass Green, if necessary.
The off-center border is darker green, which lends in- terest to the piece.
STEP1: BeginbyhighlightingtheleaveswithAppleGreen. STEP 2: Shade them with Peacock Green, and then lightly apply Grass Green over the entire border.
STEP 3: Where the leaves overlap, apply shades of Crim- son Red.
Lightly burnish and blend the entire leaf with a finger. Strengthen highlights and shadows by lightly layering more color, if needed. Now lightly spray with the Krylon finish to set and protect the colors.
Refer to the Step-by-Step for the medallions and filler designs for color placement.
The following guidelines are broken down into overall colors (pink, purple, blue, etc.), with instructions for creat- ing each.
PInK: Lightly base the area with Rose Deco. Shade it with Pink, and then tuck Dark Purple in the darkest areas (where the patterns’ elements overlap). Finish by applying another light layer of Rose Deco, and then blend.
PuRPLE: These instructions apply to all purple areas except for the center of Medallion One. Highlight with Rose Deco, leaving a space for the medium color between the highlight and the shadow. Shade with Violet Imperial, and then add an overall layer of Parma Violet. Finish by burnishing.
The purple center of Medallion One is done a bit differ- ently. First, apply a Violet shadow. Next, apply a light layer of Lavender that extends only two-thirds of the way up the Violet shadow. Apply Hot Pink to the remaining one-third. BLuE: Apply an overall layer of Powder Blue, and then shade with Cerulean Blue. The deepest shadows are Ul- tramarine Blue. Finish by applying another light layer of Powder Blue, and burnish with a finger.
YELLOW: The highlights are Lemon Yellow. Use Sunburst Yellow for the medium tone, leaving some of the Lemon Yellow exposed. Shade with Orange.
STEP 1: Lightly apply an overall layer of Sunburst Yellow. STEP 2: Apply Pale Vermillion along the upper and lower edges of the border, allowing the Sunburst Yellow to re- main uncovered in the center.
STEP 3: With a very little bit of Crimson Red, overlap some of the Sunburst Yellow and Pale Vermillion, starting near the border’s edge and moving into the color. Burnish with a finger to blend. With Pale Vermillion and Crimson Red, shade the areas where the leaf border crosses over the tri- angle pattern border.
Carefully look over the entire ornament, determin- ing where further color intensity and shadows might be needed. Remember, when working with colored pencils intensity is achieved by layering colors. Additionally, clean and straighten any black marker areas that might need it. When you’ve achieved the desired look, spray the orna- ment with two very light layers of Krylon no. 1311 Matte Finish finish, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
132 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014