Page 144 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 144

 Follow the same instructions to paint the pink stripes, us- ing Pink Mix for the stripes and Cinnamon Drop for the shading. Use the no. 10/0 liner with Warm White to dry- brush a thin circle highlight inside the buttons.
With light pressure, use a pencil to draw a horizontal line in the center of the areas where the checkerboard pat- terns and the diamond patterns will be placed. These lines will go around the entire perimeters. Now lightly pencil in the diamond pattern, using the horizontal line as the midpoint of each diamond. Each diamond should be ap- proximately 1⁄2" wide.
Using the no. 4 shader with Graphite, basecoat the checks, stripes, and diamonds. Tip: For crisp edges, use the chisel edge of the shader to define the outer edges of the checks and diamond patterns, and then fill them in.
Use a clean, damp no. 4 shader to wipe away mistakes be- fore they dry. Allow the pieces to dry completely, and then gently erase any remaining pencil lines.
Using the no. 8 shader with Warm White, lightly dry- brush all graphic checks, stripes, and diamonds.
Using the 1⁄4" angle with water-thinned Graphite, float a horizontal line of shading at the top of the striped area, and at the top of the upper row of checks. Use a stylus to place dots between the diamonds. The dots on the peppermill are Pink Mix, and the ones on the saltshaker are Green Mix.
When both pieces are completely dry, reassemble the peppermill. Spray them with several coats of Deco- Art Americana Acrylic Sealer/Finisher (matte), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Fill your new festive mills with peppercorns and salt, and use them to adorn your holiday table.
  artist’s sketch
       As a teen in the early 1970s, Linda Hollander enjoyed oil painting, but in 1999 she discovered and fell in love with decorative painting. She quickly began painting designs on vintage furniture and selling the pieces at local craft shows. In 2000, Linda decided to share her talents and began teaching in local craft stores, community education programs, and in her own home. Linda joined SDP in 2001 and is available to travel- teach. Her dream of being published came true in 2005, and she has since written over 175 articles that have appeared in major painting and craft magazines. Linda is a member of Buffalo Snowbird Decorative Painters chapter. Write to her at 6531 Seneca St., Elma, NY 14059, or email You can visit her website at
           142 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 3, 2014
Design is 85% of original. Enlarge 118% for actual size.
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ISSUE 3 - 2014
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