Page 159 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 159
teacher's corner
In the Teacher’s Corner
TDP Committee Chair
• a tool to learn how to teach people who want to learn to paint
• a way for your SDP chapter to grow its membership • a way for your chapter to increase revenue
• an untapped resource that can benefit you as an artist,
and the decorative painting community as a whole —and so much more!
The Teacher Development Program (TDP) was designed to help SDP members learn how to teach our beloved art form to others. You know how to paint; you’ve been doing
it for years. You have mastered your favorite techniques, sharpened your skills, and perfected your talent. Now we want to teach you how to pass that knowledge and skillset on to other would-be painters. This fantastic program will give you the necessary tools to understand your students’ learning styles, and the most effective methods of presenting decorative painting to a variety of students.
The TDP is designed to allow you to gradually learn these teaching skills as you proceed through the program. There are no looming deadlines to meet. You can set your own schedule and complete the following TDP to-do list at your own pace:
• review the manual when you have time
• take the open-book test when you feel ready • take your time accumulating students, and
teach classes when you want
• have fun recording your video on your own terms
Would you like to complete the TDP in six months or two years? Do you have a full time job to work around? Since the schedule is completely up to you, you do not have to stress about a timetable or deadlines. Because I have a full-time job, it took me a couple of years to log one hun- dred hours of class time...but I did it, and so can you!
1. Purchase the TDP manual. The manual is a terrific re- source and is loaded with information that will truly help you become the teacher you want to be. We are not cookie-cutter teachers; we each have different teaching styles. The manual will tell you what you need to know to be a successful teacher, and will help you understand the importance of teaching. The manual can be purchased online at www.decorative- and click on the Teacher Development link.
2. Take the open-book test (this is called Part I of the application process). This true/false and multiple-choice test is included in the TDP manual.
3. Once you pass the open book test, begin accumulating teaching hours, and create your teaching video (this is Part II of the application process). Your video will not be graded on quality (not many of us own professional video equip- ment!), but on your displayed teaching skills. This part of the application process is fun and easy!
More information regarding Parts I and II can be found on the SDP website.
It’s important to put the tools you have learned from
the program into action right away. Before you have even completed the TDP you can begin to build your student base. Start in your local community. Does your area have mobile home parks, senior living communities, or apartment complexes? Most of these facilities have clubhouses and the residents love to have people come and teach them some- thing fun and new. If there is a local art gallery, maybe the proprietor would allow you to teach classes there. Libraries, too, can be wonderful venues for classes. Contact your city’s (and neighboring cities’) Chambers of Commerce to dis- cover upcoming community events. If it’s permissible, host booths at these events and display samples of what will be taught in your classes. Ask interested prospects to sign up for classes or join your email list (don’t have an email list? Create one!) right there in your booth. Hint: It’s very important to display painted pieces in your booth so that potential new students can see what they will learn when they take your classes. That’s actually how I got started teaching classes.
Many of you have embarked on the TDP journey...good for you! Now, continue down the path and complete the pro- gram. When you earn your TDA and receive the beautiful pin (pictured below), then the fun really begins!
Others of you have been thinking about starting the program for a long time, but have not yet taken the plunge. Don’t withhold your talents and teaching skills from those who might hunger for that knowledge. Start your journey to TDA today.
You will earn the beautiful pin and your first paintbrush charm when you receive your TDA certification. We are ex- cited to announce that through the hard work of the SDP Board and TDP Committee there are now multiple ways
to earn additional charms.
You can earn new charms simply by:
• attending a class for TDAs at an SDP Conference
• designing an approved pattern packet for SDP use. • evaluate two TDA submissions
• serve two-years on the TDP Committee
In the next issue, In the Teacher’s Corner will discuss how to teach the beginner
For extensive information on the Teacher Development Program and earning additional paintbrush charms, visit
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014 157