Page 17 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 17
Service Awards
2014 Service Awards
If you have been painting for a while, or if you are brand new to decorative painting, chances are you know Della and Company. But the people behind the company are what make it so special.
Della Wetterman is a designer, teacher, inventor, entrepreneur, and SDP supporter. Della and husband, Bill, started the company to share their appreciation
and product selection of Folk Art Tin, and their diverse offerings of patterns specifically designed for their tin products. The company has tin manufactured for Della’s designs. Many of the pieces are reproductions of antique tinware. They retail and wholesale their tin, and ship internationally.
Della promotes fellow artists, inviting them to paint on her tin, and then advertising their creations. Della and Company supports and promotes the decorative painting industry by exhibiting at many conventions, and sending
out convention photos and
news during conventions.
Della also uses her newsletters
to educate and encourage
painters. “How appropriate
the Priscilla Hauser Award for
Business and Industry went to
Della and Company this year!
Della and Bill have worked
very hard over the years to
bring exciting new ideas and products to our industry,” states Melinda Barnes of Web World Plus. “Della has worked many hours creating newsletters and encouraging others to do the same to promote our industry and conferences. ... They have also involved many of our top designers in their business to pique the interest of painters all over the world. Congratulations to Bill and Della.”
“When there is a job to be done, she always gets in there and does it—most of the time
it seems like it’s being done in the background and seamlessly,” states one member of the Cactus Wren Decorative Artists chapter in her description of Susan Phillips, this year’s recipient of
the Outstanding Chapter Service award.
Susan encourages not only the Cactus Wren members,
but all SDP members to become more involved.
No one remembers when she first joined CWDA, but
Susan has served in every board position, except treasurer. She has chaired many committees, including organizing seminars, get-aways, and paint-ins. She is always trying
to think of ways to keep things new and interesting for
the chapter members. She helped chair a Learn to Paint activity for the Phoenix Women’s Expo, and organized CWDA to conduct the Chapters and Members Gathering
The President’s Commendation Award was established
to recognize noteworthy contributions of an exceptional nature that further the purpose of the Society.
Over the years, there was someone President Donna Frost frequently saw at conventions around the country. Despite working a booth and teaching, she discovered Doxie was also a volunteer. “When we were on the planning committee for SDP’s 40th Conference, I got to know her even better and realized how much behind-the-scenes work she did,” states Frost. From the idea and planning stage to the packing up, Doxie is there to help.
“I think the only thing she doesn’t do is say ‘no,’” says Frost. “It was hard to choose just one person, so it was the number of years as a member of the Society that decided me.”
Doxie has been a member of the Society from the very
at the 2011 SDP Conference. Each year, Susan gets the fun and excitement going in the chapter for the upcoming SDP Conference by organizing a chapter shirt with the Conference theme. “She has so many ideas and is so enthusiastic, I wish all clubs had someone like her,” states Liz Voas, current CRDA president.
Susan and another member worked to engage the group in sponsoring a sister chapter in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Cactus Wrens sent painting supplies, books, packets, and surfaces much
to the surprise of the Greater New Orleans chapter. As reported in Issue 1-2014, GNO was so grateful, they paid it forward to the Decorative Artist of Western Nassau in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
As the 2014 Paint-In chair for CWDA, she has already put new ideas into action with a skill-building rose class and demo, and make-it-take-it using Margot Clark’s MUD. The chapter reports that participation is high and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive.
Susan has also served as an SDP board member-at-large.
beginning, and has attended all
forty-two SDP Conferences. She
has twice served as president of the
Society, as well as serving on many
different committees year after year.
Doxie is also an active member of
the Kansas Wheathearts chapter.
She designs and has taught around
the world. From teaching beginner
classes in her hometown to helping
other people learn to teach decorative painting through the Teacher Development Program, Doxie has worked hard
to involve everyone in decorative painting. Her energy is boundless and her volunteer hours are countless. “Thank you, Doxie Keller tda, for everything you do for the Society of Decorative Painters,” says Frost.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014 15