Page 6 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 6

 Board of Directors
 Nominating Committee
 Feel free to direct your questions to the members of the Nominating Committee:
Karen Allen, Chair Jeanne M. Biever cda Kim Falk Linda Schafer Cookie Trent tda
      The Society needs YOU!
If you believe you are a qualified candidate for the SDP Board of Directors or the Nominating Committee, or know someone who is, please send the form below to:
Karen Allen, Nominating Committee Chair 30 Meeting House Drive Rochester, NY 14624-4947
The SDP Nominating Committee seeks 2015 candidates for the following SDP offices:
 We need you to make a difference!
Vice President/President-Elect (One-Year Term)
The vice president/president-elect
shall act in the absence of the president; shall perform other duties as assigned by the board of directors; and shall succeed to the office
of president at the conclusion of the sitting president’s one-year term, or in the event of a vacancy in that office prior to the conclusion of that president’s term. The initial one-year term for this office is followed by a one-
year term as president, and a one-year term as immediate past president; a three-year commitment is thus required.
Recording Secretary
(Two-Year Term)
The secretary shall record, process, and distribute minutes of all meetings of the board of directors; shall report to the board of directors at regular board meetings; and may be asked to record minutes of other meetings, as needed.
Board Member-at-Large (Two-Year Term)
Three Positions
There shall be six board members-at- large. Board members are responsible for ensuring sound policy is established and carried out for the Society. SDP committee experience is preferred.
(One-Year Term) Three Positions
Nominating Committee members shall be responsible for submitting nominations for the offices of vice president/president- elect, recording secretary, treasurer, board members-at-large, and Nominating Committee members. Society committee experience is preferred. The Nominating Committee shall obtain consent of all nominees prior to nomination.
Nomination Consideration Form
Use this form to request a nomination packet.
Name of Candidate: ___________________________________________ Membership #: _________________________
Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (City) (State) (ZIP)
Phone: (_______) _________________________________ Alternate Phone: (_______) __________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ For which position do you recommend the suggested candidate? ______________________________________________ Has the suggested candidate been a member in good standing of the Society for no less than three years immediately preceding the time of election or appointment? (circle one) yes no
Your name: (if not self-nominating) _______________________ Email: ________________________________________
Your address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (City) (State) (ZIP)
Phone: (_______)__________________________________
If you are nominating someone besides yourself, have you secured the suggested nominee’s permission? ■ Yes ■ No
Please send completed form to:
Karen Allen, Nominating Committee Chair, 30 Meeting House Drive, Rochester, NY 14624-4947
Use this form to request a nomination packet. Submission of this form alone does not qualify a member for nomination.
Postmark Deadline: September 1, 2014
  4 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014

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