Page 97 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 97

STEP 1: Using the no. 4 round, add Pro-White lines in the pathway to suggest water flow.
STEP 2: With the no. 4 round, paint a line with only wa- ter at the bottom edge of the snow clumps. Immediately add Blue Grey over this water line to dissolve the hard edge. This will create a
soft shadow.
STEP 4: Continuing with the no. 4 round, apply Pro- White to the boulders.
    STEP 5: The rooftops are painted with a layer of Naphthol AS Hue, then a layer of Burnt Orange. Details of tiles are painted in with Raw Umber using the no. 2 round.
STEP 6: Using Burnt Umber and Prussian Blue, paint the details in the steeple with the no. 4 round. Darken in win- dows that require it and under eves of rooftops. Add shad- ows, where needed, on buildings and in the snow with watered-down Prussian Blue.
    STEP 3: Apply a heavy coat of Pro-White on the rooftops. Pull the paint over the roof edge with your finger.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014 95

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