Page 33 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2017
P. 33

                  Care to join me for tea and some butter ’n biscuits? Every grandmother had a bowl like this – her prized yellow ware. And every kitchen had a biscuit cutter ... and maybe a fancy butter press. We’ll paint them and explore how to work with cones, cylinders, and ellipses. But first, that cup of tea ...
If using a wood surface, use wood fill, sand, and seal with DecoArt Multi-Purpose Sealer. Using a roller and “W” strokes, basecoat with Lamp (Ebony) Black until the paint barely glistens. A black background makes touch-up easy, adds drama, and fa- cilitates the glazing to come. Let dry.
Transfer the pattern, using your favor- ite method, being sure that the drawing is level. Don’t transfer the stripes or rims at this time. Basecoat the entire bowl (inside and outside) with Yellow Ochre. Don’t worry if some background shows through, it will just make the bowl appear to be older. Once
dry, transfer upper and lower rims of bowl. Color placement maps are provided in addition to the step-by-step figures; refer to them for placement often. The abbreviations for each color are found in the supplies list. Color/color means to paint first with one and then the other in a smaller area inside the first. Remember that the lines are place- ment guidelines. Colors are blended well to
eliminate lines in your piece.
The bowl’s interior and outside are paint- ed separately. The colors occupy shapes that follow the bowl’s contour. Inside the rim, they are curved and elliptical. Outside, they are wider at the top than at the bottom. The highlight area on the bowl’s rim is rectangu- lar and the highlight on the bowl is almost triangular. Because the light is coming more from the right, the highlight on the bowl’s outside is right of center.
DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG The Decorative Painter • WINTER 2017 31

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