Page 85 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2014
P. 85
STEP 1: Usingtheno.10/0linerwithLampBlack,pullthe stem lines first.
STEP 2: Using the stippler, pick up a small amount of Wild Orchid and lightly stipple a cluster of small dots as filler flowers. Overlap the first color with White Wash. STEP 3: Refine the stems within the clusters using the no. 10/0 liner with Lamp Black.
STEP 4: Using a no. 2 filbert, add small flick leaves with Yellow Green.
STEP 5: Add small clusters of filler flowers as indicated on the pattern using the large tip of the stylus dipped in Tangerine.
Place a towel or large piece of paper under the jewelry box to catch the excess Gold Deco- Art Glamour Dust. Superfluous Glamour Dust can be discard- ed, or put back in the bottle so as not to waste it.
STEP 1: Using the writer-tip on the bottle, apply a thick (but not too thick) layer of White DecoArt 3D Opaque Gloss Enamel over all scrollwork. While the Gloss Enamel is wet, sprinkle it heavily with Glam- our Dust. Allow to dry over- night. When the scrolls are completely dry, gently brush off the excess Glamour Dust. STEP 2: Using the no. 10/0 lin- er, shade the inside of some of the sparkling scrolls with com- ma-strokes of Lamp Black and
Follow the instructions provided for the daisies, but use Lavender double-dipped in White Wash to pull the petals. Using the Dagger stripper doubled-loaded into Avocado and Yellow Green, pull the leaves.
Wild Orchid. Note: The Scrollwork Step-by-Step on page 81 was painted on a black surface. So that the comma- strokes are visible, I painted them with White Wash and Wild Orchid in the Step-by-Step.
DOTTED FLOWERS: Using the end of the stylus with Moon Yellow, create the center dot first. Surround the center with five or six Snow White dots using the stylus. In between each Snow White dot is a smaller dot of the color of your choice (I used purples and pinks). Using the no. 2 filbert with Hauser Dark Green, flick in leaves next to the flowers. Use Hauser Dark Green on the no. 10/0 liner for the stems.
GRADuATING DOTS: Using the stylus with White Wash, add dots that graduate in size along the curves of some of the scrolls. The center dot is the largest, with those to the left and right decreasing in size. CROSSHATCHING: Using the no. 10/0 liner with Lamp Black, line in the crosshatching.
The design given for the side of the jewelry box is a se- ries of repeated patterns. Use any sequence and as many times as you like. In this piece, I alternated between the floral and scroll designs. Follow the instructions for the element as they are given for the top of the jewelry box; the scrolls on the side are painted last.
When the entire piece is dry, apply at least three coats of DecoArt Americana DuraClear Gloss Varnish, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The inside of the box can be painted or lined with material of your choice. It can also be left unfinished.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 2, 2014 83