Page 9 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2014
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  Society Update
You spoke and we listened ... everyone loved the 2013 Conference and Expo at Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, Ill. “We heard nothing but rave reviews,” states Becky Gray, SDP Conference director. “With that kind of expressed excite- ment, it’s only right we give the members and exhibitors what they want.” So the Society is headed back to the Pheasant Run Resort for the 43rd SDP International Conference and Expo, May 11–16, 2015.
All decorative painting teachers are encouraged to submit classes for the event. Deadline for submission is June 23, 2014. The SDP Teacher’s Contract is available online at It is our goal to offer a wide variety of educational opportunities to Conference attendees. For more information on class submissions, contact Lisa Curry, education coordinator, at (316) 269-9300 ext. 104, or
The 2015 Conference Special will be available online in November. Look for more infor- mation on the 2015 Conference, as well as a summary of the 2014 Conference, in Issue #3 of The Decorative Painter, to be mailed August 1, 2014.
We are happy to announce a brand-new way to enjoy a digital edition of The Decora- tive Painter. This exciting new offering will give you new tools and special features to better support the many different devices (e.g., iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire HD) that you might use.
You can now go beyond simply flipping through the magazine pages. Now you have the option to:
n Search the entire issue for keywords, such as your favorite artist’s name, project, or medium.
n Click on the titles of projects in the table of contents and jump right to that section.
n Click on web links that go to artists’ pages, vendors, and additional SDP content.
n Print or download only the pages you want.
n You can even crop sections of a page to save as a PDF, or print just
want you want.
Simply go to
and log in with your SDP membership ID number and last name (case sensitive, the same way you already log in to the Members-Only section). Please note that if your membership number has fewer than three-digits, you will need to add zeros in front of your number to make it three digits. Example: If your SDP number is 3, you will need to sign in with 003.
We will continue to offer The Decorative Painter, the linework, and our exclusive members-only bonus projects in the SDP Members-Only section at
The digital edition offering begins with Issue #1-2014, but as more issues of the magazine are published, you will have access to more and more art and artists you love. Tell us what you think about this new benefit. Either post on the SDP Facebook page or email us at
                                         dEcOratIvEpaINtErS.Org The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 2, 2014 7

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